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March 26, 2025

Citizens have rights – Judge Blasted School Board!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 20, 2014

New Hampshire – (ECWd)
Many may recall the national coverage of the father who was arrested at his local school board meeting for violating a 2 minute rule when he expressed his concern of the content of a book reading requirement.   As most in this country, we were appalled, and so was the judge!
A judge in New Hampshire’s 4th Circuit Court blasted a school board for “silencing” a concerned parent who exposed an objectionable reading assignment given to his teen daughter.
William Baer was handcuffed and escorted out of a school board meeting May 6th after refusing to comply with the board’s two-minute rule. He was voicing concern about “Nineteen Minutes,” a book required for his daughter’s high school honors reading class that he compared to a “transcript for a triple-X-rated movie.”

In dismissing charges against Baer, Judge James M. Carroll said the court “does agree with the defendant’s argument that, often in an official meeting or at the court, for that matter, individuals, from time to time, may be disruptive, but the disruptiveness should not be cause for an arrest in the first instance.”


“The sequence of the arrest actions cause pause by the court as to the chilling, if not silencing of a citizen by the state, for actions which do not warrant a criminal arrest nor conviction. The court finds that the actions for ‘order’ by the state do not ‘balance,’ in the facts of this particular case, the speech rights of the defendant.”


Read the full story found at this link – Judge Blasts School Board


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  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 21:38h, 20 December

    What a victory for free speech ! It was a lesson to not only the school board who initiated the conflict, but also to the police and prosecutor who abused their authority, thinking they should go along with the school board in abridging the rights of the parent speaker.

    • Chris M. Gaines
      Posted at 17:47h, 21 December

      I posted some links online about this story as well recently. Thanks John for your tireless efforts to expose stories like this one using your non profit organization effectively called and for bringing it to my attention especially. I go to your site regularly for truthful and factual information supported by rock solid evidence to keep well informed about our public servants throughout our state of Illinois. Go FOIA request!

      This is a victory for citizens everywhere to stand up and SPEAK OUT more passionately and not fearing police intimidation or false arrest in the process. We all as WELL informed citizens should attend MORE public meetings and use the public comment periods alloted (and not fear going a little over the time allotted if warranted and respectful of others there) to SPEAK OUT LOUD with passion and honesty about the issues that affect us all and We the People see as problems and share our concerns at public meetings. This gives me hope, courage and inspiration to act the same here in Coles County now.

      I especially agree with your comment Rory considering it is coming from a highly decorated retired former Illinois State Police officer like yourself that I highly respect now and TRUST because of the help you personally gave me by taking the time to listen to my story and then get involved through your non profit organization named the Coalition for The People in Need and helping me find a solution to some of my problems of being homless and VERY cold recently before Thanksgiving. In a time of national discussion about law enforcement officers and our trust of them, I can say your one of the few I trust now because of your compassion and professionalism you showed me in my time of need recently. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you publicly for that Rory. May God Bless you and your family. Where mercy is shown, mercy is given. Your both some of the people I draw strength and inspiration from now. I will keep both of you in my prayers for life. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours this holiday season!

  • joesteals
    Posted at 13:06h, 20 December

    Citizens have rights – Judge Blasted School Board!

  • SafeLibraries
    Posted at 09:16h, 20 December

    “@ECWDogs: Citizens have rights – Judge Blasted School Board!” #edchat #EngChat @jodipicoult @DianeRavitch #xxx

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 08:46h, 20 December

    Citizens have rights – Judge Blasted School Board!
