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March 3, 2025

Thank You to our readers and supporters…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 27, 2014


We would like to take this time to give our readers a big Thank You for your support and for taking the time to read our articles.

We especially appreciate those that have come forward with tips and information we can verify. It makes our job much easier when we know what to look for.

We started out 2014 with around 56,000 visitors per month, passed 70,000/month in May, and are now over 85,000 visitors this month.

At this rate, we should fly past the 2 million visitors mark by the end of April 2015. We are currently at 1.65 million.

As in the past, we will continue to bring Truth to the forefront of everything we report on. We will never refuse to show the Truth, no matter who or what we are writing about. Advertisers cannot influence us, we do not need their money.

We will continue to base our articles on public records, giving as much background information as possible, and linking to those public records so you may read them for yourselves.

We remain true to our original intentions: “Truth – Transparency – Accountability” in our local public bodies.

Knowledge is power, no knowledge is no power. Don’t rely on others to give you whatever knowledge they want you to have. Don’t rely on any news organization for your information, don’t rely on us for all of your information. It is up to you to become more informed.

Thank you once again from the Edgar County Watchdog team.





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  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 21:07h, 28 November

    Congratulations John and Kirk! From all of us over here in Coles County.I’m positive our soon to be former Sheriff Darrel Cox wishes that your organization never would of exposed his criminal activities to the public and vetted him thoroughly for us voters as a candidate for the 110th State representative race. He didn’t get elected because of it and we all know thats the reason. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Posted at 08:05h, 28 November

    We are so proud of the Edgar County Watchdogs. How many resignations are you up to now? I’m not sure how many it is but I’ll bet you there will be a lot more before the new year. May God bless you two – Kirk and John. And I hope the tips and monetary support keep coming your way. From reading your articles it looks like you spend about 60 hour a week each for no pay. Again, Happy Thanksgiving, because of you both we had a great Thanksgiving. RICK

  • Barb
    Posted at 07:46h, 28 November

    Thanks to you both for your dedication to find the truth and to reveal it to the people. It takes guts, perseverance, and conviction to do what you and John do. I personally appreciate all the hard work you did for the tax payers of Iroquois County when you unraveled the corruption within the Ford-Iroquois County Health Department. I just pray your hard work has not been done in vain since the State Attorney has not prosecuted anyone yet in that scandal. Thanks again!!!!

  • Anniem
    Posted at 17:44h, 27 November

    Hello Illinois Leaks. I live in a different part of the country. I came across your site in my net meanderings and was so impressed by your hard nosed integrity that I just had to make sure I kept up with you. Happy Thanksgiving to you, and thank YOU for your honesty and clean reporting.

  • Ginny Adams
    Posted at 16:27h, 27 November

    I personel think it’s wonderful what you are doing! Some people will probably think twice before they do something that they know is wrong. If they know it might be published!

  • Dave L.
    Posted at 16:17h, 27 November

    I speak only for myself here, but I appreciate your efforts. As a Marshall resident most of my life I have witnessed the corruption and the nonsense that goes on here for years. Not just on the city government side, but also the mess at the Mill Creek park board…….keep doing what you are doing, we need you down here in Clark county as well!

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 15:55h, 27 November

    Thank You to our readers and supporters…
