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March 28, 2025

Quinn and his administration under yet another FBI investigation!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 27, 2014

Springfield – (ECWd)

Governor Quinn under investigation by the FBI agents who took down Blagojevich.

In July of 2013 I sent our information of wrongdoing to numerous law enforcement agencies requesting a criminal investigation.  That article was published July 7th of 2013.  (click here for that article)

In the fall of 2013 the FBI started looking into Governor Quinn’s office and Healthcare and Family Services as state executives didn’t honor a bid award with Levi, Ray and Shoup Inc (LRS), a local IT consulting firm from Springfield, IL. LRS was contracted to modify a program and source code Illinois had received at no cost from Kentucky for an estimated fifty thousand dollars. Kentucky had previously entered into an agreement to give Illinois this program and all updates yearly for FREE and Illinois only needed to update the labeling and minor modifications.

Governor Quinn and his executives at Healthcare and Family Services, the state Medicaid program administrators, signed an intergovernmental agreement with the State of Michigan for the exact same program to get to its contractor CNSI. The contract allowed CNSI to bill Illinois $1.5 million dollars for the same exact program as Illinois had received free from Kentucky.

CNSI has been under Federal Grand Jury investigation in Louisiana for allegedly bribing state officials for contracts. As we understand it, the Louisiana Attorney General personally met with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan in late 2013 to discuss the matter and ask for Illinois assistance in their investigation. Madigan to date has provided no assistance. The former head of Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) in Louisiana has since been indited.  (Click here for coverage of that information)

Agents who were responsible for the demise of former imprisoned Governor Blagojevich from the Fairview Heights FBI field office and the US Treasury have been visiting the homes of executives involved in the contracting according to our sources. Some of the various items the FBI was looking into include; contractors use of the Governor’s plane for personal matters, lavish spending on alcohol and dinners by executives, party cruises with state officials and movie stars, gifts sent to executives from vendors, retaliation against whistle blowers and the total contract award of over 330 million dollars being let to CNSI without bidding.  (click here for our exposure on the questionable ethics and law violations pertaining to gifts and meals)

Will Quinn be the next Illinois Governor to be sent to prison?


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