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March 28, 2025

Proving Heltsley and Farnham lied…again…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 16, 2014


Since Board members Heltsley and Farnham keep getting unquestioned coverage, I decided to republish part of an article we published in November of 2013. If you want to read the complete article, click here. I suggest that both Heltsley and Farnham figure out how to read actual numbers before talking about budgeting issues again.

The figures used in this post came directly from the Edgar County Treasurer and run through 2013. The one point I must stress is that in 2011, the county board did a 10% cut across all county departments after the budget was approved. Had it not been for that, the Sheriff would have been $52,487.00 under budget that year. I will get new numbers for this year, and publish them in a new article.

You will find the Sheriff’s office info in the middle of page 2 of the below pdf.

From the Nov. 2013 article:


Now for that pesky Sheriff Budget that so many clueless people talk about.  The facts don’t lie but liars do!  Tim Crippes was $157,352.00 OVER budget his last year in office and a total overage of $195,064.00 for his last two years in office.

Keeping in mind a 10% across the board budget cut by the board for the current Sheriff’s first year in office, faced with a budget established by the outgoing Sheriff, he was $55,004.00 over budget.  What would he have been without the budget cut of 10% by the board?  He would have been $52,487 UNDER budget his first year.

What I found most interesting with the last years’ “UNDER” budget numbers for the Sheriff, which totaled $50,429.00 was the fact that didn’t account for the $23K that had to be paid out to a deputy from that budget because of failures of the past Sheriff, Tim Crippes.  So basically the Sheriff was $73,429.00 UNDER budget.  Had there not been a mandated budget cut county wide, he would have been under budget every year in office, contrary to what certain people are claiming in this county.

For those who wonder what was the worst set of numbers that put us in the financial pickle we are in, it’s clear, next to Tim Crippes, the leadership of Jim Keller accounted for a $497,720.00 over budget expense to the taxpayers from 2008-2010

This is the Spreadsheet established from all the county audits from 2005-2012 and 2013 was established by the County Treasures final numbers.

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  • Old
    Posted at 13:16h, 18 October

    How many of the over budget figures were due to the budget cuts imposed by the board? Why does the board just focus on the overage from the sheriffs office and not on the other departments that seem to have gone over budget. Seems like the board is on a mission, and that is to make the sheriff look bad.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:44h, 18 October

      I don’t know right now, but I do know in 2011 the board did an across the board 10% cut after the budget was approved – which is why it appears it was over that year.

  • eric pratt
    Posted at 12:04h, 18 October

    recent story in the Beacon does make it seem like the budget question is one sided. thank you for publishing the spreadsheet from the county audit
