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March 28, 2025

People v. Marshall City Alderman Bev Church –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 10, 2014


A Motion has been filed asking leave from the Court to file a quo warranto suit seeking the ouster of city alderman Beverly Church from office.

This is a quo warranto suit and is filed in the name of the People of the the State of Illinois, naming Bev Church as defendant.

quo warranto is defined as “A legal proceeding during which an individual’s right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged.

This is in the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, found here, and states in part that:

Sec. 18-101. Grounds. A proceeding in quo warranto may be brought in case:
    (1) Any person usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or executes any office, or franchise, or any office in any corporation created by authority of this State;

This motion seeks the ouster of Alderman Church from office based on her claimed, documented primary residence in Melrose Township – which is not in the city of Marshall.

Case No. 2014-MR-36, Clark County, Fifth Judicial Circuit. (click here) to view it on Judici.


I will add this photo of a facebook conversation that the commenter deleted. Just in case she comes back later and tries to say I deleted it…



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  • old
    Posted at 15:27h, 11 October

    When are the people in public offices going to start to get the message that we are sick and tired of their abuse of power and the frivelous spending of our tax dollars. That we are going to fight back to stop this power trip they seem to want to stay on. Come on tax payers, let’s get the message to these people that we will fight back. They need to understand that many of them were elected to their offices and if they screw up we will vote them out of office at the next election which for some will be in November.

  • Dave L.
    Posted at 17:17h, 10 October

    I hope the judge in this case just tosses her butt out of there, then slaps a $25k fine on her!! She never did live in the city while running or since elected!! More typical Marshall arrogance…stupid biotch.

  • patriette
    Posted at 17:00h, 10 October

    Too bad this doesn’t apply to the office of the U.S. President.
