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March 14, 2025

NPR changes COD article – Tom Glaser throws out a 4th excuse –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 11, 2014

College of DuPage (ECWd) –

Northern Public Radio has changed the article referencing College of DuPage’s President Breuder and the hunting club dues.

A few days ago I sent an email to the news desk of NPR, pointing out inconsistencies in the colorful excuses provided over time on the hunting club dues, and asking that they publish a corrected article accounting for the three differing excuses.

Yesterday I published this article explaining the three different excuses for the hunting club membership dues.

Today I was notified by a reader that NPR changed the wording in their previous article without explaining what those changes were or why they were changed – effectively changing their original story and not even mentioning the different accounts of relationships between Breuder, the College, and the hunting club for those dues payments.

Here is the new excuse:

COD Senior Vice President Tom Glaser said the “shooting club” membership belongs to Breuder, but he is reimbursed by the college. It provides a venue for off-campus planning and other sessions.

So we now have an unprecedented number of excuses, and none of them are completely truthful:

1.  From COD attorney and used as a FOIA obstruction: “Dr. Breuder INDIVIDUALLY, and not the College or Dr. Breuder in his official capacity as President,” is a member of the Wildlife Foundation.

2.  From Glaser, Board Treasurer, to the Daily Herald: “the payments to the shooting club was in his compensation package.”

3.  From Glaser, COD SVP, to NPR: “membership belongs to the office of the President and not to Breuder himself.”

4.  Most recently from Glaser to NPR: “the shooting club membership belongs to Breuder, but he is reimbursed by the College.”

We do know that number 4 is the most accurate, since it is documented fact that the membership belongs to Breuder and that the College did reimburse him. Do not confuse accurate with legal.

What was not said is what we need answers to:

– Why was the College reimbursing Breuder for a personal membership not listed as compensation in his contract? You cannot expand the definition of compensation without a new or updated contract approved by the Board of Trustees.

– Why did the Treasurer code the reimbursement in an obvious attempt at hiding its true purpose?

– Why will the College not comply with the FOIA Law and provide the requested documentation since we know for fact public funds were used?

– Why is this considered a public purpose?

Illinois Leaks asks:

Dr. Breuder: Instead of beating around the bush and having your minions put out false information time after time, why don’t you simply explain the hunting club membership and satellite phones in a letter to the public?

Board of Trustees: Please terminate the employment of everyone involved in lying to the public about these payments. They can no longer be trusted.

GlaserPic (WinCE)

Tom Glaser


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