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February 23, 2025

Marshall’s Mayor Sanders spends $25,476.12 on political revenge campaign…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 10, 2014


That’s right folks, Mayor Camie Sanders authorized spending $25,476.12 of taxpayer funds on a politically motivated revenge campaign designed to silence a critic who dared to speak out against unauthorized pay raises at city hall.

Marshall residents should attend the city council meeting this coming Monday to thank him for flushing your hard earned money down the drain.

Here is how it was spent:

– Late last year, Alderman LeFever noticed that pay raises were given without approval of the city council, so he questioned them.

– The majority of the council, in a 5 to 4 vote, with Mayor Camie Sanders as the tie breaking vote, later decided to authorize those unauthorized pay raises after the fact, and to back-date them to almost a year earlier.

– Alderman LeFever and others questioned this again and voiced their disapproval.

– Mayor Sanders, as punishment for speaking out, took LeFever off of all committees and illegally banned him from attending employee relations committee meetings executive sessions.

– Sanders then hires an Attorney out of Chicago, Jill Leka from Clark, Baird, and Smith, to “investigate” LeFever and frivolous allegations, conveniently brought forth only after he questioned the unauthorized pay raises, in an attempt at discrediting him because he spoke out.

– The final bill to the taxpayers was over $25,000 for this “investigation” that was entirely politically motivated.

– Without any resemblance of due process, Sanders now expects to issue a “cease and desist” demand to LeFever, for things that have never been proven to have violated any laws, or even to have happened in the first place.

– Additionally, Sanders is attempting to pass a new “employee policy” full of  unconstitutional restrictions on the public, the employees, and elected officials. I’ll save that one for a future article.

This is nothing more than a clear message that any person questioning use of city funds will have to face the wrath of Sander’s use of unlimited city funds to silence them.


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  • Nutjob958
    Posted at 09:19h, 12 October

    It is obvious that those in power have mental conditions and don’t understand the word illegal.

  • John Windmiller
    Posted at 11:16h, 10 October

    Nice little click down there in Marshall. Warren has always been in a pain there rectum
