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March 28, 2025

Vermilion County: The giving away of county real estate – Final Comments.

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 3, 2014


Please read the first two parts of this story (here and here) to get the background information on how the Vermilion County Board voted to give away property belonging to the residents of the county.

Breach of Public Trust

What is perfectly clear in this situation is that the board acted on behalf of a private citizen, instead of trustees of public property. Unless a resident stands up and takes them to task for their action in a court of law, this breach of the public trust will go unpunished. Please call our hotline @ 312-566-8078.

The thing you must remember when reading this is that the tillable farmland is a completely different issue than the nontillable additional acres.

county farmland was auctioned for sale

– auction failed to bring minimum price

– buyer found for minimum price, asked board to consider adding the nontillable acres

– board voted to give nontillable acres KNOWING it was never offered for sale to anyone else and the additional monies offered on the farm ground would have been had with or without this additional acreage.

– “including” the “additional” acreage constitutes a gift – and the county cannot gift anything

– acting on behalf of a private citizen can be successfully challenged in a court of law

– the county has the power to sell and convey – not the power to gift or barter

– a public body has only the powers given to them by the legislature – they cannot give themselves extra powers under any circumstance

– Attorney General, Appellate Court, and Supreme Court opinions all point to this action being an illegal gift and not authorized by law

– the Assistant State’s Attorney came up with more twisting of words, misrepresentations, lies, and contradictions from one paragraph to the next than a 3 year old trying to explain why the cookie jar is empty.

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