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March 28, 2025

Ron Stone – Sycamore Engineering – $105,990.50

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 19, 2014


It is becoming ever so clear the damage a couple of people can do when unchecked by any form of law.  In yet another clear example of self serving public officials, it’s no wonder most people in this state have given up on their government.

Ron Stone, Clark County Park District Commissioner has been intimately involved with matters at the Mill Creek Park for what some say is an eternity and by all indications has profited quite well while said park was under his watch.

Mr. Stone is not a newcomer to controversy and questionable behavior with the public’s tax dollars, and this is just another one of those situations that he seems to find himself in.

According to Economic Disclosure Statements filed in Clark County by Ron Stone, he has been a board member of the Clark County Park District for years and filed his statements dated for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012. (Click here to download copies of his Economic Disclosure statements)

In 2005, 2011, 2012  he disclosed Sycamore Engineering in section 2 of the Economic Disclosure Statement and claimed no working relationship with that firm in all the other years which would be 2006-2010.  Anyone believe he didn’t have the same working relationship in those unreported years or was there another reason they were left blank.  Maybe a $105,000.00 dollar reason?

(Click here for a list of all the payments to Sycamore Engineering, who Mr. Stone listed on his EDS)

Please note that willful filing of a false EDS carries a penalty of up to $1000.00 and/or a year imprisonment in a penal institution other than a state penitentiary.

A Freedom of Information request revealed that Sycamore Engineering received $105,990.50 dollars between years April of 2008 and June of 2011.  Considering Mr. Stone was in fact a board member and acknowledged his economic interest, is it safe to say there appears to be a serious conflict of interest?

Considering we know Mr. Stone was in fact on the board, we know he was in the most basic position that he “may” be called to vote on matters that he may be financially interested directly or indirectly in the name of any other person, association, trust, or corporation (Sycamore Engineering?), or the performance of any work in the making or letting of which he may be called upon to act or vote.

(50 ILCS 105/3) (from Ch. 102, par. 3)
Sec. 3. Prohibited interest in contracts.
(a) No person holding any office, either by election or appointment under the laws or Constitution of this State, may be in any manner financially interested directly in his own name or indirectly in the name of any other person, association, trust, or corporation, in any contract or the performance of any work in the making or letting of which such officer may be called upon to act or vote. No such officer may represent, either as agent or otherwise, any person, association, trust, or corporation, with respect to any application or bid for any contract or work in regard to which such officer may be called upon to vote.

If you have a State’s Attorney willing to prosecute public corruption, violation of this statute constitutes a Class 4 Felony! 

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this clear conflict of interest.  A conflict that is common knowledge with many of the locals in Marshall who enjoy the benefit of the Mill Creek Park.  They all know it’s wrong, yet it went on with not one word from any of those who where trusted to watch over the taxpayer dollars.

Considering the board is already on record that there is a conflict of interest with Mr. Stone sitting on this board and voting on financial matters that benefit him we can only ask, WHEN will law enforcement and the States Attorney bring this corruption to a halt?   (Click here for exposure of the conflict during a recent meeting)



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  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 10:28h, 20 August

    I have all the stone builder payments however it appears his brother owned that. If I had evidence that Ron was part owner then the pile gets much deeper!

    • Dave L.
      Posted at 12:02h, 20 August

      Yes but…..IF any work had to be voted on while he was on the board, seems like there would be a huge conflict of interest on contracts going to a business owned by a family member of a board commissioner…..there is a rental cabin in the campground itself that was built by Stone Builders, thinking Ron was President at that time…..there is so much corruption in this county its just ridiculous.

  • Dave L.
    Posted at 23:18h, 19 August

    You need to dig deeper John…..Sycamore Engineering is a good start, but theres much more that Ron was involved in……look for invoices/contracts to Stone Builders of Marshall…….or, Foursquare Building Center also of Marshall…….when Dennis Shiley was the E.D. at the park, there were plans drawn up for a new campground, I know this to be true, because he showed me the blueprints/drawings……it never materialized, but if you can find those plans, you’ll find the name DINKEL all over them……and you know who controls Sycamore Engineering, right?? Yup…..DINKEL!! There are many people who applaud you for getting into this.
