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March 28, 2025

North Henderson Trustee resigns over water bill –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 15, 2014


We attended the Village Trustee meeting 8-14-2014, in North Henderson, WQAD from the Quad Cities was also there and you can read their report with video here:  from WQAD…

Continuing on…Prior to the meeting, Village Trustee Rich McCutcheon submitted his resignation from the board. He cited “harassment” as the reason, but had he been honest with himself and the village, he would have stated the real reason: Failure to remain qualified for office. Nobody forced him to make late water payments, that was a result of his own actions but he blamed it on those that pointed it out.

We covered how being in arrears of a debt owed a municipality disqualifies you from public office in an earlier article (HERE).

The village appointed a new village attorney who will “look into” the accusations that three more trustees are disqualified for the same reason – failure to remain qualified for office.

Also at the meeting was a vote to pay the fee imposed by Mercer County Animal Control and to sign an intergovernmental agreement – I asked them to look at the statute prior to sending payment because I believed a County Board, or animal control, does not have the authority to force any intergovernmental agreements for payment of otherwise in return for providing animal control services. These services are already provided through property taxes, anything else would be paying for it again. I specifically asked them to have the County show in the statute where they could impose any fees or agreements in return for service.



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