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Marshall City Council Meeting – 8-25-2014 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 26, 2014


Extra security was present at the Marshall City Council meeting last night with the presence of not only the Chief of Police, but also a Deputy Sheriff. I am guessing that there was some indication the meeting might get out of control.

During public comment, I again talked about the fact that Beverly Church had signed a PTAX-329 under penalty of perjury attesting that her principal residence was located outside the city limits on other property she owned. I also stated that not only had she signed the Homestead Exemption form for 2013, but her husband also signed it in 2012 (here)  and 2011 (here). She cannot remain an alderman if her primary residence is outside her Ward or outside the city limits.

There were some that supported my comments, and there were some opposing comments, but the opposing comments involved stating that I had no right to say anything, that I didn’t live there and should go back home, and that the voters elected her. NOBODY questioned the validity of my statements about the Homestead Exemption Tax Forms or the fact that she cannot be an alderman if her principal residence is not within the city limits.

I simply asked that the city council place this on their agenda, look at the public records, and make a determination as to whether or not a vacancy exists. I am attempting to assist the council in avoiding costly and embarrassing litigation.

As I stated in a previous article (here) there are only two options: 1) She actually lived/lives in the house in the country and cannot be an alderman, or, 2) She committed fraud and forgery on the Homestead Exemption form.

The city council cannot knowingly let this continue unchecked.

My only remaining question is: Why is it so hard to follow the law?



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  • Sharon
    Posted at 20:59h, 26 August

    I also grew up in the country near Marshall and am a graduate of the high school, there. Many of these comments are correct; but, can someone please tell me where there is a town or community that does NOT have the same problems as Marshall, Paris, Terre Haute IN? The answer is very clear. To eliminate the problems, VOTE in the next election. Don’t vote for someone just because they are of the same political party as you. That ought to shake things up a bit. Another question is why does the Edgar County watchdog feel a need to interfere in a Clark county problem, when there are way more than enough to keep him busy for quite some time, right here in Edgar county?.

    • Michael Mastin
      Posted at 07:50h, 27 August

      Sharon what does it matter that the ECW have brought up issues in a county other than where they are based? They are trying to educate and show people everywhere that corruption is rampant and they need to open their eyes and do something about it rather than just turning a blind eye! More power to these fellows and I pray that their grassroots efforts spark more and more people to question, pursue and ferret out the illegal and criminal elements that call themselves “public servants”!

  • Dave L.
    Posted at 15:48h, 26 August

    I agree with William……I was born and raised here, (not bragging, just a fact), and its always been screwed up…..doesn’t matter who the mayor is, who the aldermen are, who the city manager is, who runs the police department……it has always been screwed up….will ALWAYS be screwed up….Ted Trefz was mayor and he made one of his pals a policeman, (Hefner)…John Trefz was mayor and he put his son on city payroll….Kenny Smith was mayor and his nephew is now on city payroll, (Quentin)…on and on and on it goes…..its called patronage. There is no freakin way Bev Church resides full time in the apartment above her place of business, no way!! Typical Marshall political shenanigans…..sometimes, its not who you know but rather what you know about them!! Nothing will happen about this Bev Church matter……absolutely NOTHING. Same s***, different day.

  • william
    Posted at 13:24h, 26 August

    First off this is Marshall ILL. they are hypocrites, bigot’s and 2 faced, they always have been and always will be. They will do what they want rather its inside or out side the law. You can not have a business if they do not approve of it, you can not do anything in the city limits if they don’t like it. City council runs that town. I tried starting a few of them but have to get approval from the city first council and like I said, they run that town. You either have to f*** one of them or b*** one of them or have the money to buy your way in and it just isn’t not worth the bull s***. Like I said I grew up there I know exactly how they are and how things are run and how sleeps with how when the other is gone. And sir is why I say there hypocrite’s all of them. My best advice, is to drop it and call the state attorney in Springfield and watch the sh** fly. I have done that a few time’s and in Paris. Maybe they wont listen but the state will. I hope this helped.

  • Gerard H Schilling
    Posted at 12:04h, 26 August

    Because laws only apply to the peons never the political aristocracy.

    • Ralph
      Posted at 20:31h, 26 August

      I agree with Gerard, the watchdogs found wrong doing in Iroquois County and the States Attorney does nothing. All politicians are connected. Iroquois County did charge a politician, because he didn’t fit in. Before that the county assessor was discharged because he came after a well connected citizen who lied about a building on WGFA road. There is somebody living in a garage on highway 52 by beaverville rd who I would almost bet he is only paying taxes on a shed. But I see politicians go blind when it comes to area of responsibility

  • John Windmiller
    Posted at 11:44h, 26 August

    Marshall is as cliquish as they get. They thought Fred Grabbe was a nice guy !

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 11:03h, 26 August

    Marshall City Council Meeting – 8-25-2014 –
