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March 28, 2025

Is Your Library XXX …Like the Orland Park Library?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 16, 2014

Child porn and other illegal content is unfiltered and access is paid for by taxpayers at the Orland Park library. 

Can a Homeschooling, Pregnant Mother 
& Her Colleague Stop it?

Orland Park Public Library Director Mary Weimar, Spokesperson Bridget Bittman, and their board have pushed a radical “unfettered, unfiltered internet” which includes access to the most illegal and deviant internet sites. Read our previous summary here.

Two citizens objected. Here’s what happened next…

Can Orland Park library employees, legal counsel, and board actions allegedly violate, intimidate, or restrict the basic liberties of the two citizen objectors, Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan?


  • While going door-to-door in Orland Park with informational fliers, the activists were stopped by a man perceived to be police- flashing a badge. Now, the activists believe the “badge flasher” isn’t law enforcement, but John Weimar, husband of library Director Mary Weimar and the former prosecutor in… Orland Park!
    Watch Video Part One (2 mins)
    Watch Video Part Two (15 mins)
  • Megan Fox, who is eight months pregnant, receives online harassment, hard core porn and “threats” posted to her private Facebook page. Here’s just one: “We want you to commit suicide.”

Is today’s society so corrupt that we will tolerate a government restricting citizen speech, participating in citizen harassment, while providing gateway access to illegal materials- including child porn?

A citizen’s first duty is government oversight… the next Orland Park Public Library Board meeting is on Monday, August 18, 2014 at 6:45PM.

For The Good of Illinois, I’ll see you there.

Adam Andrzejewski, Founder & Chairman of For The Good of Illinois

P.S. And yes… this library wants to hike property taxes from 3.5% to 12%. Director Mary Weimar costs taxpayers over $187,000 annually. See what all Orland library employees cost taxpayers HERE.

Photo from Megan Fox

Photo from Megan Fox


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  • Literary Spanker
    Posted at 10:07h, 18 August

    Orland Park salary link displays no information. Rather suspicious that salary information gets removed when the entity comes under scrutiny. My how the roaches run when the kitchen light comes on.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:11h, 18 August

      I fixed it by uploading it to our site. Looks like they put some type of block on it coming from our website to theirs.

  • Mitch
    Posted at 15:09h, 16 August

    WOW! Plagiarized directly from the Illinois Family Institute!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 15:29h, 16 August

      No, it was an email blast, not from the IFI, and was meant to be used in this way. If you would read the third line from the bottom it would tell you exactly who put it out.

      • Mitch
        Posted at 20:09h, 16 August

        Then remove your byline.

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 20:13h, 16 August

          I don’t recall inserting any byline. If you don’t like what you read, please feel free to contact the author, whose name is listed in the line I pointed to earlier, and tell him I “plagiarized” his work. See how far that gets you.

          • Mitch
            Posted at 21:35h, 16 August

            You forgot your byline is at the top?

          • jmkraft
            Posted at 22:13h, 16 August

            Please paste in here what you consider to be my byline.
            This is nothing more than a cut and paste from the email blast as I stated earlier.
            I added two words to the title: “the” and “Library”.
            I also added one space after the third “X” so it would look better on the main page and I did not use all capitol letters.
