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October 19, 2024

Orland Park Library Officials call people “Fruit” , “Faggot” & “Gay” –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 26, 2014


Diane Jennings and Bridget Bittman – two “outstanding” Orland Park Public Library officials, one elected and one employee show their true feelings on camera. The Orland Park Police Department, under the supervision of Police Chief Tim McCarthy (former Secret Service Agent under President Reagan),  says we asked for it after they (the police department) lied on police report.

Kirk and I drove up to Orland Park to attend an administrative court hearing where Kevin DuJan was appearing to defend against a frivolous and retaliatory complaint of a library employee’s (Bridgett Bittman) accusations of “disorderly conduct” for asking the Orland Park Library District board to talk loud enough for him to hear them during a meeting.

We arrived close to an hour prior to Diane Jennings and Bridget Bittman and parked in an almost empty parking lot. The hearing was continued for another date, and as we were leaving the courtroom through the exit, we saw Diane Jennings (trustee) and Bridget Bittman (employee) enter through a different door.

Kirk went to his truck, and Kevin, Megan, and I were on the sidewalk outside discussing whether to go eat lunch or not. Jennings and Bittman exited the courtroom and proceeded to their car. Jennings took the most direct route to her car, but turned around and came back, while Bittman decided to stomp up to Kevin and try to force him to move from where he was standing. This was an intimidation tactic designed to force him to move out of her direction of travel because she thinks she is better than him and he should have to move so her precious self could pass. Keep in mind this is not the most direct route to her vehicle, and she went out of her way to approach us.

After her attempted intimidation, outside the courthouse, against the person she had signed an ordinance violation against, I intervened and she continued towards her vehicle, but only after calling Kevin a “fruit”. Meanwhile Jennings returned and called me an a**hole at least 4 times while calling Kevin a faggot and stating she did not like gay people. She admits to police that she said these things and this police report will be in an upcoming article.

After we ate lunch, we decided to go to the Orland Park Police Department and file a complaint on Bittman for going out of her way to accost Kevin outside the courtroom where his hearing was rescheduled. The police officer that took the complaint stated that he would issue an Ordinance Violation against Bridget Bittman for what he observed on the unaltered video shown to him of the event.

Here is video of the event:

After several days of waiting, we learned that an additional police report was taken from Bittman and the police department decided not to charge her with disorderly conduct.

Our next article on Orland Park will show the results of that police report and will prove the officer writing the additional report lied on it about how this situation happened. It is clearly a coverup intended to protect the library at the expense of individuals.

Public Information Officer who refers to gay people as

Public Information Officer

Library Trustee who calls people

Library Trustee who calls people “Faggot” and “Asshole” says she doesn’t like gays.



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  • AZlibrarian
    Posted at 12:22h, 29 August

    Orland Park Library Officials call people “Fruit” , “Faggot” & “Gay” – via @ECWDogs

  • Oh the humor of it all
    Posted at 21:36h, 30 July

    Hmmm…lets see…and if you keep up with the watchdogs, you’ll remember that a Ford County Health Department official (the director) called gay people “butt pirates”. I think Illinois officials are in a time warp. Obama and company have declared that the gay life is just wunderbar! What’s with all these dumb hicks on library boards and back water health departments?

  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 13:13h, 29 July

    Ms. Brittman can file a complaint of disorderly conduct against someone for simply asking them to speak up at a meeting? But she can’t seem to do the same for someone in the library that is exhibiting lewd behavior??? For that matter, NO ONE at the library is willing to call the law for what anywhere else would be an offense to be arrested for? What the hell is the matter with the people up there??? I can’t believe the citizens of Orland Park allow this crap to go on, and that the police and courts seem to think it’s ok to waste citizen’s money with these frivolous complaints. If the courts and police don’t have anything better to do, maybe it’s time to get rid of them also……I hope there are some people there that are willing to step up and do something, whether it’s run for office or campaign for someone that is willing to do what’s best for the citizens, not the OPPL board and trustees.

  • Mitch
    Posted at 11:07h, 27 July

    Homosexuals are sinners and condemned to burn in hell, but they aren’t fruits.
