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March 29, 2025

Gov. Quinn & Lisa Madigan – Nothing Spectacular?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 24, 2014

Springfield, IL (ECWd)

As reported in the Chicago Sun Times, Jaclin Davis, spouse of state Rep. Will Davis, D-Homewood, represented 11 percent of the anti-violence grant dollars her employer, Healthcare Consortium of Illinois, was allotted in 2011 and 2012 under Quinn’s program. (Click here for Sun Time’s report).

As if that is not spectacular enough, communications pointing to criminal activity appear to have never been reported to law enforcement.  Even more disturbing is how money was used that had nothing to do with the IVPA program and they knew it and yet no report to the police to pursue criminal charges.

What were funds used for? 


Project Hope was a financial recipient in the Governor’s Violence Prevention Authority, who was Co-Chaired by Attorney General Lisa Madigan who we reported was asleep at the wheel in this article.  According to key statements in numerous documents I think we can once again confirm, spectacular events have taken place contrary to reports by Rich Miller with Capital Fax.

So spectacular they should have lead to a criminal investigation long before the Federal Government stepped in to do the job that should have been done by Lisa Madigan, Co-Chair of the IVPA and top law enforcement officer in this state!  Maybe if she would have attended the meetings for the office she was duty bound by law to be a part of we wouldn’t have to write this article.

  • “Also, please note that neither Dr. Allen nor Ms. Matthews, the case manager assigned, could not produce the deliverables that warranted any work was performed per the contractual terms.”
  • This agency did not have a functioning Re-Entry program to begin with, as the facility and space Dr. Allen appointed for Project Hope is within a day care center.
  • No receipts, invoices or other documentation was presented when questioned where the monies went.
  • Equipment was not available to view at location per requirements of State of Illinois regarding equipment purchases. Per state requirements, each item of furniture/equipment should be available and tagged for inspection upon request. No item per alleged purchases was present per Dr. Allen.  (Click here for Project Hope Analysis)

Not convinced yet?

  • IVPA funds hit in April early in the month and were used to cover several outstanding expenses for the organization overall at the time to keep the doors open including overhead and those of the Day Care Program ran by the organization. (Click here for interoffice memo)

So why on earth would the spouse of a Democrat lawmaker not pursue a criminal complaint when such clear violations of the law took place?  Not politically correct?  Politically dangerous?  Regardless of the political ramifications that so many are trying to point to with this failed program, lets focus on bringing it back to the basics, our laws!

Were laws violated? YES!

Did the people in charge know this?  YES!

According to Jaclin Davis, FRAUD was committed!  She put it in writing however even after reviewing thousands of documents we can’t find a single reference that this known documented fraud was ever turned over to the proper authorities.

  • My position still stands that Project Hope Early Learning Center intentionally deceived HCI and the displacement of responsibility is malicious.
  • “None of the monies provided to enhance their Reentry program occurred due to the Reentry Program not existing at their Dixmoor location as stated in their application; which in itself is fraud in the execution“. (Jaclin Davis) (Click here for her memo)

In yet another simple research project we have shown there is no need to go on a political witch hunt in hopes of gaining political points for an election.  We The People are tired of the political posturing that has done nothing but driven a wedge between all parties involved and made things worse for everyone in this state.

I don’t think it’s asking too much to bring all this back to the basics and follow our laws.  It’s clear laws have been violated and those involved should be charged and prosecuted.  Those failing to enforce the laws, Lisa Madigan, should also have to face the scrutiny of Official Misconduct for failing to do her job!



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