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March 29, 2025

State Representative Kay exposes truth about Health & Family Services!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 28, 2014

Yet again our work is leading the charge of exposing corruption and mismanagement with public tax dollars.  Almost a year ago we notified the authorities on matters pertaining to illegal acts within Health and Family Services (HFS), specifically Brad Hart, Office of Inspector General.  (Click here for that article)
That work in part is what lead to our lawsuit against HFS for failure to turn over documents.  Documents that proved an orchestrated effort to influence the media to stay quite about a laundry list of corruption to include shipping our jobs to foreigners.

Fast forward to today and we can proudly say that over a years worth of effort by a team of dedicated patriots has not gone to waste!

State Representative Dwight Kay listened! 

He took it upon himself to start digging and demanding answers for months pertaining to numerous issues within HFS.  He has been rattling cages, in spite of his office being fire bombed shortly after getting involved. (click here for coverage of the suspicious fire)
I think his Press Release sums it up about as well as anything we have ever seen out of a servant of the people!   Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that Brad Hart is right in the middle of this?  If reports we are getting are true, Brad Hart, is scrambling right now, this weekend, trying to “take care” of a sufficient number of documents that should have been taken care of years ago!  We tried to get some of those records several months ago and his office refused to provide them even though some dated back to 2009 and should have been completed audits.  Word from our sources is because they have never been done!

Our Hat’s off to Representative Kay! 

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1 Comment
  • Rich
    Posted at 15:49h, 30 June

    If we can get a whole Assembly with Kay’s tenacity and integrity, then the State just might survive (and prosper?).
