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March 28, 2025

Lisa Madigan failing to advise State's Attorneys –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 4, 2014

Before entering the office of Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan swore an oath that among other things, “…and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of attorney general, to the best of my ability.” I believe you will have a tough time convincing anyone that has been the case.
Section 4 of the Attorney General Act (Click Here) lists the duties of the office. Among those things that shall be a duty is the fourth duty:
"Fourth - To consult with and advise the several State's Attorneys in matters relating to the duties of their office;..."

“To consult with and advise the State’s Attorneys…”

A True Story:

May of 2012 and earlier:  If you remember back to May of 2012 and earlier, we were publicly speaking out about the potential conflict of interest/incompatible office of the Sheriff and/or Deputy Sheriff in Edgar County also being appointed to the Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB or “911”). Our opinion at that time was that due to the nature of how Edgar County’s ETSB is set-up to operate, with dispatchers employed by the Sheriff and ETSB reimbursing the Sheriff for their services. Our opinion has not changed.

May 16, 2012:  The Edgar County State’s Attorney fired off a letter to the Attorney General asking her to “consult with and advise him” as to whether this was a conflict or not. You know, one of those things that shall be a duty of the AG.

Sep 27, 2012:  The Edgar County State’s Attorney sent another letter asking the Attorney General for a status on his May 12 opinion request.

May 7, 2014:  I sent a letter to the Edgar County State’s Attorney and the Edgar County Board detailing what once again appeared to be a conflict, knowing that the previous request to the AG was never answered. (Click here for letter)

May 12, 2014: The Edgar County State’s Attorney sent a third letter to the Attorney General, asking again for an opinion on his request that was now two years old. (Click here for all three letters to AG)

TWO YEARS Waiting On An Opinion!

That’s right. For two years, Lisa Madigan did not perform her fourth statutory duty, at least in this instance, of “consulting with and advising” the State’s Attorney of Edgar County.

This is just another sad story in what is becoming an AG’s office that cannot function on anything resembling a reasonable time-frame.

FailingFourthDuty (WinCE)


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1 Comment
  • Sharon
    Posted at 21:55h, 04 June

    I proudly belong to two veterans organizations. I’ve also held many elected offices within those organizations. Upon taking the oath of office, I “promised” to do the duties of the office I was entering. If, at any time I failed to do those duties, it was quite plain that I could and would be removed from office. I, in fact, have seen it happen on more than one occasion. Yes, these are volunteer organizations; and, if we take those very oath’s seriously, why aren’t we holding elected officials, who are paid by tax dollars, to the same standards?
