In an effort to mitigate the financial liability to Edgar County taxpayers and provide for an equitable solution to the remaining issue of compensation, the attorney for the Edgar County Sheriff has provided Roger Hopper with an opportunity to justify any claims of monetary damages that he has allegedly suffered do to the arbitrator’s ruling.
He has been asked to answer 11 questions, under oath, to the attorney.
Some may feel this is too much of a burden, but the fact is that this is simply an effort to comply with the ruling without writing a blank check. The taxpayers deserve and desire an equitable solution, not just what one person thinks they “deserve”.
These questions are not an attack on, or harassment on, anyone, but merely standard operating procedures in situations such as this.
“Now comes the Sheriff of Edgar County, Illinois, through Thomas F. McGuire, his Attorney in the matter at hand, and respectfully request that the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (FOP) and Grievant Roger Hopper individually in writing answer under Oath or Affirmation, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of this request, the following Interrogatories:”
The rest in included in the below document obtained thru facebook postings, not thru a FOIA request.
It is our understanding that Dee Burgin received a similar letter to answer.
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Posted at 18:00h, 01 JuneCan’t wait to see the lies , I mean answers , to these questions … Especially with Burgin his will be a nightmare … He’ll need his lawyer to help answer his …
So Help Me God
Posted at 16:57h, 01 JuneWell, lets see if ANY ONE involved, directly or indirectly, attempts to affect or influence testimony, change records, hide records, destroy records or otherwise steps on it by commiting Perjury, Obstruction of Justice or Official Misconduct. And, due to the scope and specificity of the Interrogatories, the possibilities extend far beyond Roger & Dee. Lots of possibilities here, I bet. Best for all involved to remember, it’s not the original mis-step that sinks the ship; it’s the lie to cover it up. Just sayin, boyz – AND GIRLS.
Posted at 11:22h, 01 JuneWhen will Dee Burgin do this?
Posted at 11:28h, 01 JuneI don’t know, but it is my understanding he received a similar letter.