After receiving numerous reports on this, we have confirmed through the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department that Roger Hopper was sworn in as an Edgar County Deputy on Friday, May 23, 2014, and returned on Sunday, May 25, 2014, to turn in all of his equipment and resign his position with the Sheriff’s Department.
This comes on the heels of an arbitrator victory and subsequent Circuit Court ruling to not overturn the arbitrator’s ruling on his original termination.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.

x paris resident
Posted at 06:42h, 28 MayIs he going to run the prison RX ??? I went for a job at Danville and passed all entries and put on their call list but I guess I wasn’t an x crook like Hopper and the DMV Crippes … Perks when your a lowlife in Paris … That’s why I moved , that and the high property taxes for poor educated schools , piss poor cops who would come on a call to your home with sirens sounding and you’d be lucky if it was within the hour and I was able by the work I did as a carpenter to watch first hand the city workers riding around doing nothing … I watched a city truck go through a parking lot across from me every hour on the hour , with cold pack and shovels in the same consistency and the shovels in the same place and driver and co-pilot laughin and havin a good ole time … I could go on and on so if candy apple don’t like what I say , tough , because I probably lived there longer than he’s been alive and know what goes on …
x paris resident
Posted at 20:04h, 27 MayState job , doing what ???
Posted at 20:45h, 27 MayDepartment of Corrections
Candy apple
Posted at 17:34h, 27 MayMore information? What else do you need to write about. He resigned. Period. End of story.
Posted at 18:19h, 27 MayMaybe the official reason for the resignation?
None of your buisness
Posted at 15:05h, 27 MayEverybody has something to say no matter what the man does you have a problem with him if he is a deputy then everyone has something to say when he is not make up your mind about what you want all of you are pathetic get a life let him move on with his your all disgusting get over it your drugs are safe now that he resigned I would expect you all would be extatic. LOSERS
Posted at 17:01h, 27 MaySounds to me like you are the one with the problem. I guess if Roger isn’t on the force then everyone is a crackhead. LOL – Wishful thinking on your part.
C'Mon Nancy - Say it Ain't So !
Posted at 21:43h, 26 MayPoor Nancy Garrett, what’s she gonna do, now that her hero has up and left? I was told that she wrote an article for the Beacon, supporting him. IF THIS IS TRUE, (and correct me if I’m wrong) her naivety / naivete aptly justifies the label applied to her employer, the “Beacon-fused.”
Posted at 21:31h, 26 MaySo, how much will he actually get? I know his state job pays a heck of a lot better than the county. Do they realise that he will need to be monitored, he may pull some of the shit he did when he worked for EC. Old habits don’t die easily. Now if we can just get rid of Burgin, that will be both pains in our A–es out of our hair.
Nail It Down!
Posted at 09:31h, 26 MayHe wasn’t pullin a trailer behind him when he drovr away from the Sheriff’s Dept. was he?
Posted at 09:33h, 26 MayLOL – No, they got that stuff back a few months ago.