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February 23, 2025

Motion to Dismiss Denied re: Kraft v. Arcola Township – 2013-MR-53 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 29, 2014

On May 29, 2014, the Court filed a letter ruling on Arcola Township’s Motion to Dismiss.
The Judge removed the cause from advisement, examined all pleadings, files and records, and reviewed argument of counsel.
He Denied Arcola Township’s Motion to Dismiss and gave them 21 days to answer or further plead on the Complaint.
This is good news as it brings this case one step closer to completion.
Below is a “copy and paste” from the case on (CLICK HERE):
Letter Ruling on file. Cause removed from advisement on Defendant’s Section 2-619(9) to dismiss. Pleadings examined, files and records reviewed argu- ments of counsel considered. Finding by the court that affirmative matter avoiding the legal effect of or defeating the claim raised by Plaintiff does not exist in the present cause to bar the claim asserted against Defendant. By reason thereof, Defendant’s Section 2-619(9) Motion to Dismiss is denied. Defendant ruled to answer or otherwise further plead to Plaintiff’s Complaint within 21 days of this date.

Public records for this motion:

Defendant Motion for Involuntary Dismissal (HERE)
Plaintiff response to Motion to Dismiss (HERE) (written by me and filed prior to obtaining an attorney)


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  • Lake Lady
    Posted at 13:41h, 31 May

    Chris & Cindy are good people,but come on Chris,Subscriber is right the city doesn’t get a pass on something this big.And you boardmembers letting this go this far will be called to task when the truth comes out,and it appears it’s coming.

  • Record Herald Subscriber
    Posted at 07:00h, 31 May

    Good point Question,you can bet if the City of Arcola and tax money were involved it would make the front page!

  • 1 Question
    Posted at 18:21h, 30 May

    Why hasn’t the Arcola Record-Herald done any work covering this story?

  • Angry Taxpayer
    Posted at 10:59h, 30 May

    Man up Bill Coombe you are responsible for this why dont you use your money and your attorney to keep hiding these records. I hope the taxpayers has some way re-coupe there money from this scam these idiots have caused by hiding information

  • like 2 know
    Posted at 07:13h, 30 May

    I’d like 2 know what the Township Board is going to do now.All the time and money spent so far has gotten you nowhere,no wait thats not quite right,it’s lead to another court date and more money spent.Deana,remember saying all this will blow over and go away?What do you say now?
