We showed up early to the Edgar County Board Study Session this morning by about 20 minutes. After we were already seated, board member Mike Heltsey came into the room, looked at us, and turned around and left the building.
Apparently he left to call the Sheriff’s Department and requested assistance at the meeting. He most likely stated that he felt “threatened” again. Of courser this is speculation, but he did return to the room a few minutes later after a couple Deputies showed up. Kind of like a kindergartner getting on the school bus for the first time.
It is my belief that this is his attempt at creating a log of “feeling threatened” in order to attempt to get a no contact/stalking order at some point in the future. This coward has no reason to feel threatened or anything else at public meetings or anywhere. He is simply attempting to use his position to generate the belief that he feels this way.
As you recall, Mr. Heltsley acted like a fool a few months ago during a meeting, then tried all by himself to have someone ejected from the meeting when he didn’t like the response he received. He did not have the authority to do so.
Then, magically, the Paris Beacon News showed up to the court hearing that nobody else was aware of (LAUGH AT IT HERE) when Heltsley attempted to get the Judge to sign a stalking / no contact order against Rob Bogue. That motion failed miserably and was actually reported as such, and now I believe Heltsley is trying to document the incidences where he “feels threatened” so he can try it again.
So here we have a county board member wasting time, money and other resources of a Sheriff’s Department in some far-fetched scheme at generating sympathy. This had the effect of taking a patrol officer off of the streets for over 2 hours this morning – putting the whole of Edgar County without a patrol officer on the streets.
You should all thank Mr. Heltsley for being so selfish and wasteful the next time you come across him. Also thank him for not caring about the rest of Citizens of Edgar County by pulling this stunt.

Posted at 15:16h, 12 MayReally Mike, like someone is going to physically attack you during a board meeting? Get real!
Posted at 16:59h, 12 MayHe’s trying to make it look like he is afraid of certain people.
It is all fun and games to him…until there is an urgent need for a Deputy and they are sitting in a meeting because Mike is too much of xxxxxxx to attend it without them there. There is a video camera, 6 other board members, and the Beacon reporter – does anyone really think things will get out of hand?