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March 28, 2025

Edgar Co. Board Study Session 5-27-2014 (Video) –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 29, 2014

During the study session held by the Edgar County Board on May 27, 2014, the board talked about several items – the first being public comment.
During public comment I suggested that if there were future instances of an open meeting not starting on time that they post a sign on the door stating that fact. There were legitimate reasons for the meeting in question, Animal Control Meeting in May, that it did not start on time, but people were left with the impression it was canceled because the building was empty.
Additional items discussed were:
1.  Insurance bids: workman’s comp, health, etc.
2.  IMRF issues with union personel
3.  The lease the county has with the ETSB – concerning the addition to the Sheriff Department Building.
4.  Airport committee meeting to decide on the airport lease, airport advisory committee, and the hiring of an airport manager
5.  Dale English brought up a concern he had with respond time, equipment, and manpower to certain incidences – acknowledging that he did not have all the facts.
6.  Putting the phone system out for bid
7.  Other items of interest
The video below was recorded and uploaded by Edgar County.



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