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March 29, 2025

Arcola Twp facing another FOIA Civil Suit – 2014-MR-16 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 21, 2014

UPDATE: 5-22-2014 Summons served.
Arcola Township, under the leadership of William Coombe and others, is facing another Freedom Of Information Act civil suit in Douglas County. Suit number 2014-MR-16 (HERE).
In this suit, I allege the township denied a FOIA request sent to them on April 12, 2014. They have never answered the request for records, and subsequently that non-answer constitutes a denial of a FOIA request in accordance with the Illinois Freedom Of Information Act.
A previous FOIA suit (2013-MR-53) is still ongoing at this time.
This is simply another chapter in the effort to get Arcola Township to provide public records when requested to do so. It is the law, and they have been violating this law for well over a year as of the writing of this article. This township has certainly been the most secretive, obstructing public body I have ever come across – but I do not give up and they will be forced to comply with the law. I find it hard to believe the taxpayers in this township are condoning this, and I urge each and every one of you to contact your township trustees, clerk, and supervisor and tell them how you fell about the way your tax money is being spent.
A copy of the suit can be viewed below.
[gview file=”” save=”1″]


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