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March 28, 2025

Another Arcola Township FOIA Denial Investigation by the AG –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 12, 2014

The  Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor has determined that further inquiry is warranted in the Request for Review I submitted when they did not respond to a Freedom Of Information Act request that I made on April 25, 2014. This information came in a letter dated May 7, 2014 and addressed to William, Bill, Coombes, the Arcola Township Clerk.
They did not respond, now the Township is spending more of your hard-earned money paying Attorney Mark Petty to respond to the Attorney General.
Case Number: 2014 PAC 29232 is the number assigned to this request.
Previous article on this request for public records HERE.
There is still another open request from last June that has yet to receive a determination form the Attorney General.
There is also an ongoing FOIA civil suit still yet to be determined.
Don’t forget to thank your Township Trustees for their wise expenditures of your money!
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  • Big n Bowdre
    Posted at 07:58h, 14 May

    Arcola Township you have finally done it,hit the big time with Lisa Madigan and her office saying more inquiry is needed.Thanks for making the rest of us in Douglas County look like Cook County.

  • Lake Lady
    Posted at 19:08h, 13 May

    Now we know why the Queen’s SUV has been spoted uptown late and on weekends in front of the office.Recreating history takes time and a computer.

  • Watching
    Posted at 15:16h, 13 May

    Bill Coombe you made the headlines again are you going to put this one off because of the address too? It seems as though you have not been too mindful of the taxpayers again. Who or what are you going to blame this one on? Is this all going to be worth what you are trying to hide? You are all in now and you ran for this position. Happy Now lol

  • like 2 know
    Posted at 07:50h, 13 May

    For a board that’s never been questioned before,what are your plans for the Atty. General?Are they above asking for information from Arcola Township?Are the taxpayers of Arcola going to pay Mr. Petty to go and tell the Atty. Gen.they don’t deserve any information from the Twp.?With 1 lawsuit under way and the Il. Atty. Gen. requiring information,I’d like 2 know just how many of the Twp. backers still think they are not hiding something?Not if but when this gets ugly remember where you stood!

  • All the facts
    Posted at 07:08h, 13 May

    Curtis, answering a foia request ( if you are not trying to hide information) is as easy as making a copy and the requestor will pay for each copy ( no lawyer needed) and better yet just do electronic and we do not waist paper. Do not know anything about Austin but in Arcola’s case there should be no reason for these guys to be spending any taxpayer money on giving out public information no matter what they are trying to blame this on, unless they do not want this info to get out

  • who are you kidding
    Posted at 18:48h, 12 May

    I hope the Township got these. Not sure who’s address is 399 N. Sheldon, but, pretty sure that is not the township’s mailing address. Township office is on E. Main St.

  • Tom Lamberton
    Posted at 18:46h, 12 May

    Keep ’em on the ropes boys…that’s all they understand. These criminal class elected officials truly believe there is no law they are not above.

  • Curtis L. Atteberry
    Posted at 18:12h, 12 May

    On the Austin TV tonight (May 12 2014 ) they are impeaching an Official( Or may be trying to) for sending so many FOIA requests that it was going to bankrupt the company he was asking for information from. I guess I would suggest you have a good reason for asking for the information. I hope you would be able to read more about the impeachment someplace on the internet Curtis Atteberry, from Arcola just vacationing in Texas.
