There has been considerable chatter in reference to Jimmy Rankin, candidate for Coles County Sheriff. Most of it centered around people claiming he was never in the military.
We have obtained several documents (HERE) that verify he was in fact in the military and more documents are on the way thru FOIA requests. What is interesting with this is we obtained these documents in less than 48hrs with a single e-mail request yet a person tipping us off on this matter was of the opinion he was never in the military and was confident of that. That confidence apparently came from those he is close to who are spreading the false rumor.
Below is a copy of his Honorable Discharge from the US Army, his Army photo, a copy of The Quarter Master General Certificate, US Army Quartermaster School Certificate and a picture of Jimmy in his Air Born Jump Gear at Ft. Bragg NC.
Deputy Rankin was the Deputy that found the error that the Coles County military men were not getting differential pay. Something that is noted in county audits. Is that another failing of the current Sheriff Darrel Cox?.
Deputy Rankin was also the Deputy who implemented the DUI Restitution and Article 36, he did this on his own time not on duty, and this has reportedly raised over $250,000.00.
In December he did a business proposal to the chief and sheriff for raising money for the DARE Program. The calendars, ads and personnel have been outsourced for years, Mr. Rankin brought the calendars to be printed at a local print shop in Charleston, the leg work, ads and his idea reportedly brought over $13,000.00 to Coles County Sheriff’s Department.
Mr. Rankin didn’t take the money for the DARE Program, he had already raised over $7,000.00 for that program. Mr. Rankin saw a need for another area that was struggling at the department, the K9 Section. Mr. Rankin had all the receipts deposited in this account because it was struggling.

Indiana Jones
Posted at 00:05h, 19 FebruaryInteresting that this story does not ever explain the reason for the date discrepancy. Is the ECWD not qualified to get the truth, or are you withholding the truth?
If you’re not capable journalists, the reason was in a real newspaper, but don’t let facts get in your way.
Joshua Elder
Posted at 08:52h, 10 MarchInteresting facts
Karl F. Schneider
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
Mr. Schneider later served as Legislative Counsel to the Army for 10 years, representing the Army in major Congressional investigations. He is a Distinguished Graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
In October 1997, he was appointed as the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Army Review Boards) and Director of the Army Review Boards Agency where he was responsible for the oversight and operations of 11 Army personnel boards, including the Army Board for Correction of Military Records, the Army Discharge Review Board, and the Army Clemency and Parole Board.
I am puzzled how someone’s signature could be affixed to a document in 1990 and they didn’t even have the job until 1997?
Is the document the Watchdogs where provided a forgery? If so that is a very serious offense.
Posted at 12:14h, 10 MarchThanks for the reply, and I am looking into the situation as it pertains to the signature.
But I do know this already, to have an Army Review Board signature on an Honorable Discharge most likely means that his previous discharge was changed, and when they are changed the original discharge date would be reflected in the Certificate.
Appealing to the Review Board and getting one changed must be done within 15 years of discharge. Reasons for changing a discharge are not always due to the fault of the service member. Below are the most common reasons:
1. Date of Discharge
2. Character of Discharge
3. Reason for Discharge
4. The regulatory authority under which original discharge was issued
5. Date(s) of enlistment
6. Period of enlistment
7. Age at enlistment
8. Length of service
9. Periods of unauthorized absence
10. Conduct and efficiency ratings
11. Highest rank achieved
12. Awards and decorations
13. Education level
14. Test scores
15. Incidents of UCMJ action
16. Convictions by courts-martial
17. Prior military service and type of discharge received
18. Other less common reasons
So, you asked how a signature could be on a document with a date prior to a person holding the position? That COULD be a reason. Others include situations where Schneider was actually performing the duty prior to appointment (happens all the time in the military). I am not suggesting any reason pointed to above, just that this would not necessarily mean a forgery – but we are looking into it.
Posted at 12:27h, 10 MarchA shorter version from the Review Board’s website:
“Changes or upgrades in discharges are only made if there is a proven error, injustice, or inequity in the discharge. You must provide with your application evidence and supporting documents to show that there is an error, injustice, or inequity in your discharge.”