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CERWD – “Engineer Firm” – Unprofessional Comments –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 14, 2013


During the November CERWD Trustee meeting, there was considerable discussion dealing with a “fracking” company attempting to purchase bulk water from the water district. Something must have happened with IDOT that revealed a water hose connected to a fire hydrant, then running through a culvert under a road. The water used was purchased as bulk, but the item questioned was using a hose to get across (under) the roadway. It appears the previous agreement between the CERWD and the fracking company was to purchase bulk water from the hydrant thru the use of a short hose into a truck located at the hydrant. The company determined a more efficient way for them was to fill whatever water holding device they used on the other side of the road, thus the hose used. As I understand it, the company had, since the IDOT complaint, turned the permit paperwork in, but the CEWRD representative said something that made IDOT believe no water would be sold. The final decision made during this meeting was not readily clear, but I understand (from the audio) the fracking company has to get a permit from IDOT and reapply to the district for bulk water.

After that discussion was over, the representative of Francis Associates (Bob was on vacation) followed the two people representing the fracking firm outside and then came back into the building. When he came back in, he preceeded to tell the CERWD Trustees that the firm had an outstanding debt, or invoice with Francis Associates and that is why he followed them outside. I don’t know if that was an attempt at influencing any future vote for or against providing water, but it certainly was not the way a professional firm should be acting towards another company. I suggest Francis Associates conduct some training on privacy laws and good professional conduct to keep this from happening in the future.

The next meeting of the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District is Monday, December 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the District building in Oliver, IL. (Agenda Here). It appears they are contemplating renewing Francis Associates contract at this meeting.

Audio of this portion of the meeting is here.


Audio of the complete Nov 18, 2013 meeting (Here) The extended conversion on the water issue starts at the 5:00 minute mark and lasts thru to the about the 1 hour mark.



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  • Del Pufahl
    Posted at 21:16h, 21 December

    Del Pufahl liked this on Facebook.

  • Doris Wolfe
    Posted at 02:44h, 15 December

    Where is fracking occuring? Another well kept secret (hidden agenda) that’s not publicized?

  • John Windmiller
    Posted at 16:22h, 14 December

    To come to Bob’s defense this engineer to whom you refer has made a career of being unprofessional. I have know him for at least 30 years and I know what I talk about .

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 16:31h, 14 December

      He said it like he says things like that all of the time. I was not at the meeting, but did get the audio thru a FOIA request and was just listening to it this afternoon. It appears from the rest of the audio that there is an axe to grind between the fracking company and this guy.
