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October 23, 2024

Bill Donahue, Vermilion County Asst. State’s Attorney Issues Veiled Threat –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 13, 2013


The legal advisor to the Vermilion County Board, Assistant State’s Attorney Bill Donahue, who we can only assume approved of the “memo” he handed to the board members during their October meeting, in which complained of all sorts of inacurancies and even went so far as to make up crimes that never existed.

This all happened AFTER he took it upon himself to fend off any criticism of the no-bid $637,500.00 GIS contract by issuing insults, accusations of overcharging that we never mentioned prior to the no-bid contract, and even veiled threats that if notified that this particular person was against Invenergy and their Wind Turbine, that they would not have gotten the PUBLIC contract. I suppose we can further read into this that he will never get any more work from Vermilion County – kind of a retaliatory punishment for speaking out on an issue of concern for himself and his family.

To hell with the public and fair contracting, if you dare to speak out, you will not work for the county.

Here is the relevant part of this email sent by Mr. Donahue, 217-554-6007, [email protected]:

“I have to be honest. After watching you operate I do not have much respect for  your opinions or methods. Speaking of expense, I believe we were overcharged for the survey at the nursing home and you should have declined the business or at least told me about your issues with Invenergy before you took the job. However, the contract was let some years back…”

This is your public servant at work – the same public servant that has been passing messages to Invenergy and entertaining them in meetings. Doesn’t that just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about where his loyalties lie? Is it with the people of Vermilion County, or is it with the Corporate Wind Turbine industry such as Invenergy?

Mr. Donahue, I suggest you research the meaning of retaliation and intimidation, especially as it relates to the actions of public officials. I believe some part of it states: “ANY action by a public official” – I would call that email an action…

In the two-page unsigned memo you mentioned at the last county board meeting, it references a “change in atmosphere” and comment turning from harsh to “attempts at intimidation and bullying” (how fitting it uses a term more fitting for a grade school playground)…I think the change in atmosphere is with you and certain board members. Emails stating what the above email states, including personal attacks and what some consider a threat to future business with the county, and another email from a county board member stating the “I am done with you” – is that the change of atmosphere the memo was talking about?

More to follow…




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