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October 19, 2024

“Our Living Hell” – Life Next To Wind Turbines…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 8, 2013


Here is but one story, with many more to come, from a family that wanted nothing more than to live a nice, peaceful, farm life in rural Illinois. That dream has been taken from them. There are many more like this one, and we will do our best to post them all.

This article has video of the board meeting where Gina reads one of the letters – she starts at the 7:21 mark in the second video from that article or you can scroll to the bottom of this one to watch it. She talks pretty fast in the video because the county board is strict on their public speaking time limits.

Please read this entire article, it is quite long…again, it’s critical that you read this article from start to finish, as we will be introducing other articles in the future and sometimes refer back to this one.

The project in question is the California Ridge Project of Invenergy, LLC.

First Letter – to an organization north of Vermilion County. It is basically a history from when the owner first noticed an InVenergy wind turbine being installed on neighboring property, through last month and what life is like living next to the turbines. All the while, they have approached the county board with no success, and even have to watch board members like John Dreher and Robert Fox refusing to even listen by getting up and leaving the room during public session. What are they so afraid of hearing from county residents that they have to get up and scurry out of the room like a couple of cockroaches on the kitchen counter when the lights get turned on?

Anyway, here is letter number 1:


August 10, 2013 – original sent by email to xxxxxxxxx

Need Help! Green, Not Greed!!

I saw a banner the other day and went on your website to see what it was about. A glimmer of hope rose in me that maybe someone could help us. I watched the video of the couple from Dekalb and was in tears listening to them and what they experienced. Someone else was experiencing what we are – we are not alone or crazy.

We have been struggling with “our” turbine #126 located less than 1000 feet south from our small farm north of Muncie, IL (depending on where you take reading our range finders 923 – 964 feet from our property – due to angle of elevation). On paper it shows it’s just over 1222 feet – they never took into consideration angle of elevation – we are on a hill in line with it – they also take it from the foundation of your home – I guess they think we don’t play outside, swim in the pool, ride our horses, work in our shops – all closer to the turbine than the foundation of our home.  I say “our” because it is not ours nor were we ever contacted regarding it’s placement in the decision days by the company or the land owner – it is owned by our “neighbor” that owns that farm land. No one asked me if it was ok to give up an awesome south view for miles from our home and instead look at this.  No one asked me if I minded how close it was and whether or not it would affect my horses, my other animals and of course us that live there. In fact in the beginning we were told that these turbines weren’t being installed anywhere near our farm.

Then came the day we noticed one was being installed – we felt deceived.  When they were getting installed I was constantly on the phone with InvEnergy with my concerns to William Davidson – that “nice” Scotsman that now I feel scammed us with a silver tongue.  Eventually he ignored us and then I started to contact Greg Leuchtmann directly.  Every time Greg Leuchtmann a representative for our area told me not to worry. The turbine was plenty far from our farm (although I took my range finder out and told him otherwise), he said just because my home was on a hill therefore at a higher angle in line with the blades, I wouldn’t hear a thing. I would maybe hear a light whosh. The sound would be barely detectable – I wouldn’t even notice – all those stories I’m hearing are from the old turbine designs – that theirs was more developed and much better. I asked him if I would see shadows – he said no I’m too far away. I asked how it would affect my horses, dogs and cats and he said all studies show animals don’t even notice.  I asked him what if any one of use ended up with sensitivities to the low frequency noise/vibration and he said no one has ever had problems.  I asked what about the studies and he said they were all false.  And the list of concerns went on…I asked what would happen if those things did happen would they put trees up or a large barn south of me as a sound barrier or shadow barrier? What if my property value dropped and we couldn’t live there because we did have negative experiences?  Would they buy out my home so that we could move since we were never part of the decision making process for location? Throwing out random solutions and he always said I will not have a problem so there was no need to even concern myself. He stated that my county and area were addressed everything in a board meeting and everyone was on board and ok. I asked him what board meeting? That I was never invited nor aware. How would I be I’m not a property in which those would be placed in fact I was a property that could affect them so of course I wouldn’t be notified – why would my “neighbors” that were getting money from this project want me there to say no – they weren’t going to tell me. When I pushed the issue, he finally stated that I should just put my concerns in writing and send them to him (clearly knowing I had finally gotten a brush off and knew those concerns would never been seen let alone addressed). I told him I would be contacting a lawyer to look into to this and he stated there was nothing I could do.  I have since called since last summer 2012 and have never heard back once – even after messages left.

So the turbines went on line and our lives went from a nice peaceful farm life to a constant noise and irritation. I moved out here in 2005, created a small horse farm – my goal – peace. I liked that country peace – sitting out on a porch or sitting in a chair and listening to the peaceful calm of my horses blowing/breathing in the pasture, the crickets and frogs, etc. Now? I can’t hear that relaxing sound of my horses most days and listening to that peaceful country sound at night? Nope. I used to be able to open our windows at night to sleep – not anymore. We used to sleep without fans in our rooms….not anymore – every room including our 8 year old daughter that is with us part time has one. Didn’t used to close all of the house blinds at night – now we have to otherwise we get to look at the red lights blinking at night – wow didn’t know I was near an airport landing strip or disco tech. In the fall, despite the room darkening blinds, AND heavy window curtains, if it is a sunny morning you still wake up to shadow flickers. 

I learned of this one morning, thinking I was having an epileptic seizure or a stroke – sleeping my eyes started to pick up light -dark, light-dark, and slowly as I opened my eyes from sleeping the room kept doing this.  My room is the darkest and one of my  windows faces south towards the turbine.   I wasn’t aware of what I had eventually learned about shadow flickers so I seriously thought something had gone seriously wrong with my brain, maybe a stroke.  I had been in a horrible wreck back in October and thought oh God I had a clot from that pneumothorax. It was a feeling of when you would get ready to faint and your eyes get dark and fuzzy.  I went down the hall yelling for everyone that something was wrong with me and as I came into the kitchen I kept seeing this shadow (light-dark sensation) and as I told them I needed to go to the hospital that my eyes were losing sight that I was having a seizure or stroke, they said no you are ok the turbine blades are shadowing over our house. Then I stopped and looked and sure enough they were shadows from the blades. I thought I was dying. Every morning for about an hour or so, we experienced this in the winter on the weekends or days off (otherwise we were up and out of the house by 6:00 am most days – this is why we didn’t notice before). Wonderful – even with blinds and heavy curtains those shadows now affected my sleep in the morning on days I didn’t work.  Those shadows caused our two older male cats to fight over who could catch the shadow in our basement (it has windows). It drove all 3 cats (at the time) literally insane – all they would do every morning is focus and try to catch this mysterious thing on the floor. Eventually we had to place the older male on cat “Prozac” because his anxieties became horrible to watch as he continuously tried to attack all the other cats and us. We couldn’t figure out what was going on.  Eventually the shadows stopped and eventually he went back to normal for now. Because the shadows are not “regular” my horses sensitive prey eyes pick up on them and are always more alert or spooked on those days.  They would be high strung during that time of day so I never was able to work with them.  Always had to wait until those shadows – those evil things – went away and they relaxed.

I haven’t even mentioned the sound.  When it first came online, the dogs barked at it constantly. Our older dog’s ears seem the most sensitive to it and the days its running we have to yell very loudly at him for him to hear us. In fact, if you are trying to yell at someone from the house or across our property it used to be easy – you could actually hear our neighbors if they were loud enough and outside on a property a few acres away – now you have to yell and even then they can’t hear you even if only across the yard.   I have numerous recordings of the sounds we hear almost daily from my iPhone. I have stored them on my computer and now some have been uploaded to YouTube. I have played these for numerous people that are blown away by what we hear – it’s even more intense when you put headphones on blocking out all other noise – truly giving you the true sensation – the recordings all taken INSIDE a building (garage, horse barn or our mudroom/porch, even our daughter’s bedroom window) protected by any “wind” interference – so no one could say it was “wind”.  Well yes it’s wind – wind shear off of the blades.  You can hear the hum from the generator moving and changing directions, you can hear the blades popping/knocking and of course the constant whooshing that is not “quiet and barely audible as we were told it would be”. Some days it’s not so bad – a gentle noise barely heard (those are the good days, when the blades face west or east and the wind isn’t blowing that hard), but when they face north and especially south it is so loud that it becomes unbearable. Radios are on everywhere, the shop, the horse barn, in the house. When we have people over it’s stupid how much they make noise. I even had one friend say the first time they came over to our farm, (you can see Interstate 74 south of the farm well over 7-10 miles away) “wow that is crazy how you can hear the interstate traffic this far away” – then we told him – “that isn’t the interstate noise that’s the wind turbine”. He stated “man it sounds like you are next to the interstate or even an airport cause it sounds like jet engines”.   I go feed the dairy cows at the farm across the road to the north of me where they have a row of turbines north of them (much farther away from them than ours is south of us) and in the barn feeding over the bellows of the cows, you can hear them running.  I even recorded this again on my iPhone from inside the barn.

We have had storms come through some with straight line winds in which the trees took such a beating that it ripped and tore our new gutters and down spouts right off our house in a twisted metal mess – and those wind turbines never stopped running.  All we would hear is this horrible, terrifying noise from them as the wind and rain hit the blades.  All we can do is watch in fear when storms come through with high winds watching and hearing that turbine. In the winter when its iced up it’s even scarier sounding like it’s breaking apart. In lightning storms I’m terrified for my horses watching the lightning strikes all around the turbines surrounding our farms.

On the days they are running us and most of our guests that stay a bit feel their bodies tensed, or on edge.  You catch yourself clenching your teeth and don’t know why.  Headaches are pretty typical anymore most days.  My sinuses have always been sensitive to pressure changes – now some days that sinus pressure is ridiculous.  When I leave the area of the turbines only then the pressure dissipates. On days when there is no wind, our bodies and ears are aware they are not running even before we look at them.  We could have noise cancelling headphones on and our eyes blindfolded and we could tell you when they were turned off.  We could then tell you when they turn back on.  You can just “tell”.   It’s not just us.  My mother stayed with us for a week in June for my surgery and she would tell us these odd feelings or sensations.  She said they went away when she left and headed back up north. 

On the days they aren’t running we feel so blessed to have a quiet normal day again – it’s almost like Christmas or winning the lottery, but that doesn’t last long, on those days we get to listen to the constant whine of the generator moving around turning the turbine to find wind, OVER AND OVER AND OVER – sometimes every 1-2 minutes – sometimes every 5-10 minutes ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT.  It’s like enough already there is no wind can you just give us peace for a day?

We were curious once about the sound directly under them and drove to the one just east of us and stood under it – no sound – nothing. But you drive down the drive away from it and you start to hear it then.

All those people from InvEnergy in the beginning that stated we could call with concerns and questions I can never get a hold of now. I even contacted a lawyer once from Rockford, IL, Rick Porter, that has experience going against wind companies and is successful. But I would have to put down minimum $5000 retainer and that is just to start that these cases are very trying and hard but are successful. He stated if I could get more of my neighbors that it would be then a class action and it would be easier and faster than fighting them alone – kind of hard to do when you have to find the neighbors that are not profiting from these.  Kind of hard to do because this is my home – this is my community.  Also who has time for that?  The owner north of me is furious – but already paid thousands of dollars to get the company to at least put up a sign that stated no wind traffic when they were in the develop stages and destroyed our roads – yeah that didn’t help – we have more traffic out here than ever – and they are horrible – fast, reckless, etc. He called and I called about the roads and the damage it was doing to our cars, our homes, etc. (the dust) and nothing. So he stated what good would it do? Talked with the neighbor to the west of me that was not on board so I thought – but then after all the turbine locations were determined – after he had complained about what it would do – the company placed a turbine on his property. Now our neighbor doesn’t want to “talk” about the noise – rumors are they are planning on moving and doing the typical thing out here – renting the house while still keeping the farm buildings for farming. The ones south of us – they are renters – the ones east of us renters – the ones directly east to us – lied – not them directly – they seemed all against these, but then we found out they profited by all the electrical poles running through part of their property and their relatives (mother?) were the ones that placed the only turbine for money – which one – the one directly south of us. They had lied to us making us think it was on someone else’s land that they wouldn’t do that to us – but they did. No turbines are anywhere located next or near to them or their family members. They get the money – we get the issue. Many of the turbine owners don’t even live there, some not even in the county or state anymore. The others around here that are very upset – don’t want to get involved because they are scared what will happen – they don’t want to piss off the others surrounding them. Like us – how do we complain or get support when our direct neighbors are profiting from it? They are big time wealthy farmers – I’m just a simple school teacher.

I am not against them – those wind turbines in general I believe that used properly they could help our energy crisis  – but I believe these companies have bullied and lied to us to make a profit – the owner that placed way too many just north of us doesn’t even live in this state – how is that responsible?  How is it responsible to place them so close to people’s farms?  “Hey I am going to build a huge machine shed directly next to your farm and block your entire view so you get to just look at my building and I’m going to be running noisy equipment in there day and night – do you mind?”   They don’t care – but they are set for life now – so why would they care?  I see all the people that have profited by these – how?  – all their new farm buildings – all the new huge buildings, all the brand new farm equipment – they are easy to spot- those that have profited by selling their neighbors lives out – selling our peace.  I guess their rights are more important than mine.  But don’t I pay taxes too?  Don’t I pay for a mortgage and have the rights to what I bought?  I paid for a nice quiet farm, one with an amazing view from all sides – free from chaos and free from noise – my sanctuary to come home to – be proud of…why are their rights more important than mine?  And who determined this?  They don’t have to take sleeping meds, and have fans and TVs on at night to sleep. They can open their windows at night to a nice breeze and not hear noise.  When their guests come to stay on the farm and sleep in their camper outside – they don’t have to wear ear plugs.  “Oh by the way when you come to visit us besides bringing your clothes and personal items make sure you grab some ear plugs – we can provide a fan if necessary.”

Is there anyone that can help us? I thought I’d live forever here. On a teacher’s income this was the best 6.5 acres horse farm I could afford. I used to love it here. Now I hate it – everywhere I look I see or hear them. I didn’t move out here for this. I looked into moving and selling my farm – found out from others around me that tried selling their homes after they went up don’t bother – most of the properties out here that were on the market never sold – the people gave up and stayed or worse let the bank take them – there are so many foreclosures surrounding us.  I have never seen so many for sale signs now….they are everywhere. 

Small fish in a very, very big ocean – that’s us. Every day – 24 hours a day – 90% of our lives now we deal with a decision that we were never part of – why would we be – “hey do you mind if we placed a wind turbine next to your farm?” – they already would know the answer so of course they will never ask their neighbor – they will never be responsible – all they see is the green in their pockets. You try telling others and some say this – “well I live next to a rail road.” I ask do you hear the train 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? “Well I hear the interstate or airport”….I ask was it there when you moved there? If so you already knew – or if not someone if not you were compensated. I lived here 7 years before they came.

You know how they tricked us into supporting them and coming on board with their idea without raising a fuss or blocking them from the start?  They lied.  Cloak and dagger approach – bait and switch.  William Davidson approached us in the beginning and told us they were getting put up but way north of us (over 5 -10  miles north of us and not near residents homes), but the power lines would have to run along the current ones to get to the power plant.  Which meant the corner of my property would have one and maybe one more by my drive, but they would give us money to place it there for that temporary inconvenience of installation. He said we already have power/phone lines there so it wouldn’t be any difference that it would be the same size and stand just a little taller than the ones there now.  He told me to go look down the road at some to get an idea and even brought some pictures.  I figured they were already there and they would do it anyway – so I said ok. He even said they would pay me to have a lawyer look over the paperwork.  Ironically though, they were never going to use our area – that the power lines/poles in fact are monster sized compared to the regular power line on the front of my property – it’s like comparing apples and oranges. I was told later by Greg of that company that they can’t place those lines near residences and they weren’t sure why we were even approached from the beginning – that they just wanted our approval and support for the turbines.  What???  Nowhere in my paperwork did it talk about that?  Man that guy was good that came to our house so nice. We even had a lawyer look at the paperwork and he said it was fine. But see how they got out of it? They made us feel like we were important – they kept us blinded by their niceness – that they had our best intentions – that these turbines wouldn’t be anywhere close to us – that we were helping the project and that we would be compensated for a power line already in the same spot – the fact that they lied and these are not even close to the correct description our lawyer said was bait and switch – they never had plans of using our place nor installing those small lines – therefore they never went against the contract – they just stated they changed their minds for location – the agreement was only if they needed to place them on our property. While they blinded us and stated our best interests were at heart – they had other ideas and kept us distracted. I’m furious with the amount of lies told to innocent people like us. Very sad really.

I’m not sure if this will be read – but we would like to have a banner that we’ve seen out here in our area “Wind Turbines Hurt Rural farms” or whatever is available. I would also like to be part of any group that is trying to make people aware of these lies. I’m a high school biology teacher of 14 years with a master’s degree in biology. I see the news stories and the people that live in our areas complaining the same thing – but I don’t know how to get in touch with them to join the cause. I’m not scared to stand up and speak. I’m not scared nor easily bullied to keep quiet. I am smart enough to know these won’t be torn down – nor turned off. But companies should be on top of “fixing” the problems they have already created for people and preventing the future ones.

People’s lives will never be worth nor equal to money and profit people make from them.

I wish I could sue the company – we already started planting spruce trees on the north side of the property – but it will take years to get them tall enough. I can’t plant to the west…and I can’t to the south to block the one closest. We thought if we could just build a taller barn on the south side – it would be close enough to the house that maybe it would help be a sound barrier and shadow barrier – but anyone ever priced a large barn that size?  Again I’m just a teacher.   So clearly that won’t happen.  We don’t know what else to do. We wish we could move – we don’t want to – we NEVER wanted to. But who wants to live near one of these for the rest of their lives – but then who wants to buy a farm that will have to deal with the same thing? We would never get what our farm is worth – we would probably never get it sold. We refinanced it after they went in…just to see…our place should have been worth $180 or more….but there are so many places that went on the market to get away from these and none of them would sell…so they dropped their prices…which meant it dropped mine – your home appraisal is based on comparing surrounding properties…my farm appraised for only $20,000 more than when I bought it 8 years ago – and we did MAJOR updates that raised the value significantly.  Our appraiser did us a favor and literally had to compare our farm to ones in other counties 20-30 miles or more away just to get a fair appraisal – otherwise it would have been less.  I bought my farm for a pretty low price – the previous owners knew it had some serious issues that would cost lots of money so kept the price very, very low to not bring attention to things they could be held accountable for to fix without it being condemned.   No realtor – low price – perfect for someone like me that couldn’t afford much – I thought I was blessed – lucky.  I don’t regret it for a minute – sucks I had to be the one to later after a few years discover those issues and have to fix them – which of course makes my farm even more valuable to me and the market.  After upgrading the property – it should now be what it is truly worth. Before these went up, a few relators appraised the farm at over $190,000 in 2011. We were alerted with the possibility of purchasing a piece of hunting/forest/horse property that was coming on to the market in Dewitt  County that we had been interested in long before I had bought this farm. We ended up deciding that it was too far to move away from our daughter so declined. Wished I would have gotten those appraisals on paper. Perfect comparison of how much my farm and those surrounding me took a huge hit.  Hind sight – darn it. Paper proof that wind turbines decrease property values. Harder to prove when the entire house market out here declined – it looks typical now. Help??


Gina I.


Before I continue with another letter, below are some pictures of the property and it is pretty evident that the adjacent land owner, along with InVenergy, planted this thing close to their house.


Letter #2 – Read to the Vermilion CountyBoard on August 13, 2013. They all listened except for board members John Dreher and Robert Fox who got up and scurried out of the room…what are they so afraid of hearing?


Speech given to the Vermilion County Board Meeting – August 13, 2013

Gina Isabelli – Resident living at the California Ridge Wind Farm – InvEnergy

We have been struggling with “our” turbine #126 located less than 1000 feet south from our small farm north of Muncie, IL .  On paper it shows it’s just over 1000 feet – they never took into consideration angle of elevation – we are on a hill in line with it – they also take it from the foundation of your home – I guess they think we don’t play outside, swim in the pool, ride our horses, work in our shops – all closer to the turbine than the foundation of our home.  (Update: a survey indicates the actual distance from the foundation of the house is 1222 feet)

I say “our” because it is not ours nor were we ever contacted regarding it’s placement in the decision days by the company or the land owner – it is owned by our “neighbor” that owns that farm land. No one asked me if it was ok to give up an awesome south view for miles from our home and instead look at this.  No one asked me if I minded how close it was and whether or not it would affect my horses, my other animals and of course us that live there. In fact in the beginning we were told that these turbines weren’t being installed anywhere near our farm.

When they were getting installed I was constantly on the phone with InvEnergy with my concerns to William Davidson.  Eventually he ignored us and then I started to contact Greg Leuchtmann directly.  Every time Greg told me not to worry. The turbine was plenty far from our farm I wouldn’t hear a thing. I would maybe hear a light whosh. The sound would be barely detectable – I wouldn’t even.   I asked him if I would see shadows – he said no I’m too far away.

I asked how it would affect my horses, and pets and he said all studies show animals don’t even notice.  I asked him what if any one of use ended up with sensitivities to the low frequency noise/vibration and he said no one has ever had problems.  I asked what about the studies and he said they were all false. 

And the list of concerns went on…I asked what would happen if those things did happen would they put trees up or a large barn south of me as a sound barrier or shadow barrier?

What if my property value dropped and we couldn’t live there because we did have negative experiences?

Would they buy out my home so that we could move since we were never part of the decision making process for location?

He always said I will not have a problem so there was no need to even concern myself.

He stated that my county were addressed everything in a board meeting and everyone was on board and ok. I asked him what board meeting? I never got anything in mail or was called but then why would my “neighbors” that were getting money from this project want me there to say no – they weren’t going to tell me. I have called since last summer 2012 and have never heard back once – even after messages left.

So the turbines went on line and our lives went from a nice peaceful farm life to a constant noise and irritation. I moved out here in 2005, created a small horse farm – my goal – peace. I liked that country peace – sitting out on a porch or sitting in a chair and listening to the peaceful calm of my horses blowing/breathing in the pasture, the crickets and frogs, etc.

Now? I can’t hear that relaxing sound of my horses most days and listening to that peaceful country sound at night? Nope. I used to be able to open our windows at night to sleep – not anymore. Now we have to keep them shut and every room has fans to block the noise including our 8 year old daughter that is with us part time has one.

Didn’t used to close all of the house blinds at night – now we have to otherwise we get to look at the red lights blinking at night – wow didn’t know I was near an airport landing strip or disco tech.

In the winter, despite the room darkening blinds, AND heavy window curtains, if it is a sunny morning you still wake up to shadow flickers. 

I learned of this one morning, thinking I was having an epileptic seizure or a stroke – sleeping my eyes started to pick up light -dark, light-dark, and slowly as I opened my eyes from sleeping the room kept doing this.

Every morning for about an hour or so, we experienced this in the winter on the weekends or days off.  It literally drives you crazy. It plays with your eyes. They also affect my animals, forget riding or working with my horses during those times.  My cats went crazy and one was put on Prozac for anxiety trying to chase the turbine shadows in the basement and kitchen. 

I have numerous recordings of the sounds we hear almost daily from my iPhone.  They are NOT barely audible like they lied to us and told us!  The recordings all taken INSIDE a building (garage, horse barn or our mudroom, even our daughter’s bedroom window) protected by any “wind” interference – so no one could say it was “wind” noise.  

 You can hear the hum from the generator moving and changing directions, you can hear the blades popping/knocking and of course the constant whooshing that is not “quiet and barely audible as we were told it would be”. When they face north and especially south it is so loud that it becomes unbearable.

We have radios on everywhere, the shop, the horse barn, in the house. When we have people over it’s stupid how much they make noise not relaxing to sit on a porch now. I even had one friend say the first time they came over to our farm, “wow that is crazy how you can hear the interstate traffic this far away” – then we told him – “that isn’t the interstate noise that’s the wind turbine”.   

On the days they are running we feel our bodies tensed, or on edge.  You catch yourself clenching your teeth and don’t know why.  Headaches are pretty typical anymore most days

On days when there is no wind, our bodies and ears are aware they are not running even before we look at them.  We could have headphones on and our eyes blindfolded and we could tell you when they were turned off.  We could then tell you when they turn back on.  You can just “tell”.   It’s not just us. 

On the days they aren’t running we feel so blessed to have a quiet normal day again – it’s almost like Christmas or winning the lottery, but that doesn’t last long, on those days we get to listen to the constant whine of the generator moving around turning the turbine to find wind, OVER AND OVER AND OVER – sometimes every 1-2 minutes – sometimes every 5-10 minutes ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT.  It’s like enough already there is no wind can you just give us peace for a day?

People’s lives will never be worth nor equal to money and profit people make from these turbines of hell.


The letter given to every county board member during the same meeting.

Letter #3:


August 13, 2013

Attention Vermilion County Board Members:

My name is Gina Isabelli and I live at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  My farm is located in the California Ridge Wind Farm.  I bought my small ~6.5 acre horse farm back in 2005.   I have been a high school biology/zoology teacher for Champaign Unit #4 at CentralHigh School for 14 years.  I am also a Microsoft computer trainer for Parkland Business Development. 

I have attached my story regarding the hell we now live in daily since these turbines specially the one located just south of us #126 were put into operation.  I have included some photos.  I have also uploaded a few video recordings to YouTube taken from inside buildings of the noise we hear from them almost daily – sometimes louder than the ones I have recorded. 

I am just as much a resident as the ones that own and profit from these in our county and Pilot Township.  I pay taxes and have value in my home and farm just as they do.  Please start respecting us as such. 

I look forward to a timely response from you regarding these complaints and issues I have brought forth.  I also request that my letter and this memo be recorded/documented and added to your meetings minutes for future record. 

Thank you,

Gina I.


 Here is the video from the Vermilion County Board meeting on Aug 13, 2013.

The portion covering what is written above starts at the 7:21 mark – fast forward it if you like…






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  • Mike
    Posted at 06:12h, 09 September

    Sorry you have been through this hell….because of greedy board members and land owners. They are the ones to blame. Of course the turbine industry are liers and do not care but it’s the board members that should have been smart and not allowed this on the community. The board members should hold the turbine companies accountable…but we all know they won’t.

  • Cabin 1954
    Posted at 08:21h, 07 September

    Where I live, we are now fighting Invenergy who bought out Clean Line, to keep them out of ruining our land and our farms like Gina describes. Clean Line was even more deceiving because they named their lines different named in different states. In Missouri it was Grain Belt/Clean Line. In Illinois it was Rock Island/Clean Line. The fight is NOT over but we are loosing baby step by baby step by baby step. May the Lord have mercy.

    • Rogy
      Posted at 00:29h, 24 November

      Contact 60 minutes or Dateline to run a story. Get some National attention on this! I feel for you. Horrified by the greed and disregard for the effect on so many lives. I am visiting from out of state and was curios what the blinking lights were so did a Google search. Sad to read about this. Good luck to you.

  • Patricia Krueger
    Posted at 19:02h, 10 September

    I think everybody needs to sue Invenergy, they just built some in Goldthwaite and yes it true they are liars every damn one of them. I am not sure how they sleep at night, they come into people homes sit down at their table and lie to them. Good Luck

  • Jeffrey Myers
    Posted at 22:32h, 08 September

    Jeffrey Myers liked this on Facebook.

  • Blake Stiff
    Posted at 21:47h, 08 September

    Blake Stiff liked this on Facebook.
