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Edgar County Airport “Inconsistencies” –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 22, 2013


Keeping in tune with the past eight or nine months, the Edgar County Airport manager, Mr. Jimmy Wells, has once again “misled” the very people that employ him. With the amount of “misinformation” and “inconsistencies” coming out of his office, you would think he would quit listening to the former board member that has so obviously continued his attacks on a local business – facilitated by public employees.

They see no problems, even after almost one year of failures, to continue to harrass this business – even to the point of making up even more stories and trying to pass them off as the truth.

This new made up story, first time publicly stated when Mike Heltsley threw it up at the County Board Study Session on Aug 19th, is that there were four people wanting to bid on the business lease. That is a flat out lie! When questioned again, Jimmy then stated three, then one, then that one was even three months old (I think we all know who that came from). What he hasn’t said, is what TYPE of business “wants to bid” on the business lease and main hangar.

Then, to top it all off, Mike Heltsley makes the claim that if they don’t bid out the business lease, they will be sued. Since the county is under no obligation to bid it out, I don’t know how he can make that claim, unless he is assisting the person threatening the suit…and we already know that answer…since they most likely talked about it over dinner…

Meeting Audio:

Regular August 2013 Airport Meeting


Special Airport Meeting August 19, 2013

Here is a 13:30 video we put together yesterday on the lies:





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  • Del
    Posted at 22:58h, 22 August

    The way I see it, the good ole boys are trying their best to regain their reign of power. Remember the one meeting re the airport when Adonna was exposed? She was confronted on each and every one of her “exerations” . Once exposed, she had no comment, The one member sitting next to her spoke out and said “so what”. ” So what” – wow, it’s something called “ethics”. I care that one of “my” employees is not creditable. Same with Wells. How many of us would be able to keep our jobs if we were not honest with the finance committee. Actually confess there were 2 sets of books. I believe Capone was guilty of that particular bookkeeping practice.
    Thank you ECWD. Don’t ever stop, until we have a Board that is Honest -Open and Lawful.

  • Quiet Observer
    Posted at 19:58h, 22 August

    Thank you Edgar County Watchdogs for watching out for the interests of the taxpayers of our county. I am having a difficult time understanding why Mr. Wells is still employed by our county. It is obvious he is extremely incapable of managing our airport and being fiscally responsible. Did the county board approve the hiring of an additional airport employee? Was the job posted? I don’t remember seeing any ad for additional staff at the airport. I do not know of any business who would tolerate this kind of incompetence let alone the deceptive behavior of Mr. Wells. Keep digging watchdogs!

  • Sandy Richey Wells
    Posted at 10:02h, 22 August

    Sandy Richey Wells liked this on Facebook.

  • Blake Stiff
    Posted at 08:47h, 22 August

    Blake Stiff liked this on Facebook.

  • Judy Pufahl
    Posted at 08:02h, 22 August

    Judy Pufahl liked this on Facebook.
