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March 29, 2025

FIPHD – “No Resume’ – No Problem”

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 18, 2013


So far Mr. Corbett has refused to provide his resume although he did agree to provide his school transcripts……..minus his grades.

Turns out my FOIA to IDPH not only provided some interesting employment information but the state was kind enough to provide his college transcripts…….to include not only his grades but his GPA as well. Watch the video… (Documents provided by IDPH)

Photos used in the video provided by Will Brumleve / Paxton Record


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  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 14:54h, 20 July

    Kirk Allen liked this on Facebook.

  • Fresh Start
    Posted at 21:19h, 19 July

    The good news is that there is a solution to the FIPHD impasse. It has the potential to save the bi-county health department, keep the jobs of many of the dedicated employees, and continue to provide vital health services to the most vulnerable in our communities; infants, children and the elderly.
    Mr. Corbett needs to take the weekend off and do some serious soul searching on how things will play out going forward. There is only one good answer left for the best outcome for all the parties at this point. With his resignation on Monday morning, Mr. Corbett could prove that he entered the profession for the right reason; to protect the health and well being of the people he served. This selfless act would open the door to finding new leadership and start the healing process after months of confrontation.
    Mr. Jensen might consider the same retreat. His resignation next week would allow the Ford County Board to appoint a new individual with some fresh ideas and fiscal accountability. There are highly qualified individuals in the county with expertise at reading income statements and balance sheets, and scrutinizing resumes. Twenty seven years is long enough, pass the torch.
    There is nothing more to gain and so much left to lose to continue this chase. The horses have left the barn, and the time has come to cancel the hunt and call off the dogs. It’s time to separate the men from the boys, Doug Corbett and Ted Jensen, so that everyone can just move on.

  • Jay R Hairalot
    Posted at 06:34h, 19 July

    Mr.. Corbett needs to come clean with his resume. It is not a state secret, and he’s not Mr. Obama but he sure is acting like him.
    What does he have to gain or to hide by keeping his resume a secret?

  • wow
    Posted at 02:45h, 19 July

    What is that picture with Matt fitton and Doug in background. Doug looks really mad and matt looks like omg keep your mouth shut. What happened in that image?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 06:20h, 19 July

      I think that was what was going on.
