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March 29, 2025

FIPHD Loss Of $1,000,000.00 – ONE MILLIONS DOLLARS!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 16, 2013


That is the number for each and every citizen in Ford and Iroquois County to know as it relates to the Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department.

During last nights FIPHD meeting I asked a very basic question that you would think each and every board member would know the answer to, considering they are the ones passing budgets and approving claims.

The question was unique when you look at the overall picture and the actions of Mr. Corbett and his efforts to establish a for profit home health care program in Indiana.  Not only were his efforts to do that in direct violation of the law, the very reasons they have used to justify their actions proves rather interesting when you look at the facts.

Preacher Man, (Ted Jenson) made the claim they were going to open up the operation in Indiana as a new source of revenue.

Really?  Preacher Man and Doug Corbett have hoodwinked people with excuses and wordsmithing, and it’s now coming full circle and by all indications, none of the board had a clue what was coming.

Full circle because the very Home Health Care program they claim was going to bring in revenue from Indiana was a total flop in Illinois.  Not a flop as it relates to the services provided by the good nurses offering that care, but a flop from the Administration and management side of things.

Q:  Is the board aware that the Home Health lost over $1 Million Dollars in just three years?

A: Elanor Stagen – Do you have proof of that?


You have to wonder why the secretary attempted to cut-off any conversaion about the loss, which prompted Ms. Stagen to “withdrawl” her question on whether we had proof of that loss.

That response tells me she had NO CLUE what kind of deficit that program had, and by all indications no one else sitting at that table had a clue either.

How do you sit on a board with over-site control of the Budget, Levy, and the Administrator and not know you have lost over $1 Million Dollars in three years on just one program, Home Health?

I will address what I think may be the only two board members at this meeting that understand the severity of this, as both are educated to a point they understand facts don’t lie.

I believe that Dr. Ray and Dr. Brucker are smart enough to take their focus off us, the messenger, and look at the message!  As far as Elenor Stagen and Ted Jenson, without question they should both be removed immediately from that board for incompetence and lies.  That will be a dedicated article you wont want to miss!

You would think by now they would know I am not going to make a claim like that without something to back it up, but the real wake up call for all the citizens in the FIPHD area is the fact that her response confirms Ms. Stegen, and by all indications the rest of the board, had NO CLUE what that division had lost, let alone $1,000,000.00 in three years!

In any public sector business of comparable budget and size you would find that the Administrator would have been fired for losing that much money in three years, especially when you look at the pattern on the spread sheet!

Is that why it’s costing the taxpayers so much in Ford and Iroquois county when compared to surrounding health departments?  Out of 11 Counties, the numbers are staggering as its clear FIPHD is spinning out of control with Doug Corbett at the wheel and by all indications the Ford County Board and FIPHD appointed members from Ford County are not getting the message.

This set of numbers alone should be enough to shake the cage and remove Mr. Corbett for total incompetence!

When you defend the actions of an Administrator that has lied to the board and the people, lost over $1 Millions Dollars in 3 years, and costs the tax payers more per person in an 11 county comparison, then you may well be better serving the public if you all resigned, as it is you that have allowed this to happen!

We have received so much compelling evidence of wrong doing in the last 48 hours that it quit frankly is overwhelming and all I can say right now to the FIPHD board members is hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride with lots of explaining to do!  Stay Tuned!




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