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March 28, 2025

Iroquois County – $100,000.00 Settlement!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 2, 2013


A Freedom of Information Request has been completed and below is a copy of the settlement reached by Iroquois County as it relates to Corey Kilgore, Plaintiff, and Shon M. Johnson, employee of the Sheriffs office.  Previous coverage can be found at this link as well as pertinent documents.

The settlement reflects the county, presumably the insurance company, has paid $100,000.00 in this case.

Why do these types of cases get settled?  In most cases, there is no defense for such actions by public servants.  Sadly, each time a case like this gets settled its the tax payers who ultimately pay the price.

You pay the price with higher insurance premiums which means either your tax’s go up to pay for those increases or your public services decline so money can be diverted to cover the increased cost.

As if that is not bad enough, you still have a county employee drawing a public paycheck even though his actions apparently were significant enough that the lawyers knew they could not win such a case.  Settling like this all to often keeps people employed that have no business keeping their jobs!

Settlement document – page 1, page 2

Settlement Claim article picture


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1 Comment
  • it's me
    Posted at 07:45h, 03 May

    The County can be touched. It’s time to bring out more of the truth
