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March 28, 2025

6 Years in DOC for DUI that resulted in 2 Deaths –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 30, 2013


Sentencing day finally arrived for Anita Rhodes, who plead guilty on October 4 , 2012 to Aggravated Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol – a Class 2 Felony, which resulted in the deaths of 2 individuals in an incident that happened on the Lower Terre Haute Road on November 13, 2011.

She is currently in the Edgar County Jail awaiting processing to DOC.


From Judici:

Deft sentenced to six years in Department Of Corrections with credit for one day served, plus two years’ mandatory supervised release.

She is ordered to pay the following amounts: 1) $1,000 + court costs; 2) mandatory victim assistance fine of $100; 3) restitution of $19,480 (total of PX 6, 7 & 8). Any other mandatory assessments are to come out of the $1,000 fine.

Deft is given $5 credit towards the fines for one day served in jail. Bond to apply towards restitution. Mittimus to issue instanter. Appeal rights explained.

Deft remanded to custody of sheriff for transportation to DOC.





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  • Ken
    Posted at 07:45h, 05 June

    And she is up for parole in only three years!
    Now I read IL State law, and this offense is not eligable for good behavior credit! Maybe calls to the prosecutor’s office can clear up that oversight.

  • Kathy Jo Drake
    Posted at 18:55h, 01 June

    It was on Lower T, Deborah Larrance Coleman. High school girl & her grandmother. Very sad indeed. She is not the only person to ever jump in a vehicle and drive intoxicated. She’s the one that something happened to. I don’t think the sentencing fits the devastation of the crime at all. There are MANY people affected by her poor choice that day. They will all be affected by this for the rest of their lives. The most affected are the Shumakers. They’ve lost a mother/grandmother and also the Fitzsimmon’s lost their daughter/sister. No punishment will ever bring Mary or Makayla back. The Rhodes’s still have their mom/grandma and wife. It’s not easy on them. But sure is one tough lesson to have to face living with and KNOWING their mom/wife killed someone elses family members. I’ll be praying for all of them…both families. I wasn’t put on this Earth to judge other people’s choice and end results. God will take care of that. As for Terry Payton….this young man fell through the cracks of the system….a system that is not a good one and could sure use room for improvement. The system let him down. He needs help for what he’s been through and going through. I pray someone higher up sees this. What would any of us have done had we been in his shoes of abuse?

  • Joe Frigge
    Posted at 04:39h, 31 May

    Joe Frigge liked this on Facebook.

  • Deborah Larrance Coleman
    Posted at 23:04h, 30 May

    She is the one that killed 2 people on Clinton Rd I believe and the girls was from Chrisman and I do think her name was Makaela. She was still in high school.

  • Rosemary Shumaker
    Posted at 22:14h, 30 May


  • Mike Tresner
    Posted at 21:41h, 30 May

    Slap On The Wrist.2 Dead,Money Talk’s And The Rich Folk’s Walk!!!

  • Deborah Larrance Coleman
    Posted at 21:24h, 30 May

    Deborah Larrance Coleman liked this on Facebook.

  • Deborah Larrance Coleman
    Posted at 21:07h, 30 May

    I don’t think 6 years is enough for killing 2 people one of which was a teenager with her whole life ahead of her. Punishment should be at least as long as the young lady was expected to live.

  • Doris Wolfe
    Posted at 20:42h, 30 May

    It’s Edgar County, and Paris, IL where there is NO JUSTICE!

  • Sharon Foreman
    Posted at 20:39h, 30 May

    Sharon Foreman liked this on Facebook.

  • Jack Howser
    Posted at 20:39h, 30 May

    Jack Howser liked this on Facebook.

  • Sandy
    Posted at 20:30h, 30 May

    An ACCIDENT is an ACCIDENT!!!! NO ONE gets in their vehicle and says “I’m gonna have a car wreck today and kill somebody”….REGARDLESS of the circumstances!!!!!

    • Sherie Hammond-Duzan
      Posted at 22:39h, 30 May

      Its not an accident when you get behind the wheel drunk!!!..

  • Darlene Justice
    Posted at 19:54h, 30 May

    Darlene Justice liked this on Facebook.

  • Darlene Justice
    Posted at 19:29h, 30 May

    She gets 6 years…pitful…and Terry Payton gets 25 years whats is wrong with this.
