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February 6, 2025

Video – Public Session – Edgar Co. Board 4-17-2013 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 26, 2013


Some interesting comments, reminiscent of a Pelosi-Hitleresque regime, came out of the public session of the April 17, 2013 Edgar County Board meeting.

We know that the attempt at “not having a business in the main hangar” was prearranged prior to the airport and county board meetings between Patrick, Wells, Jenness, Heltsley, Bennett, and Hutchinson, but none of them will admit to it, probably because it would be an admission of an illegal meeting.

We got the usual “no comment” from their fearless leaders, and under Mike Heltsley’s Pelosi-style of leadership he stated as fact that he signs/adopts things all the time without reading them or even knowing what they are! Aren’t you all proud you voted him into office? God help us if he ever runs for any other office in Edgar County.

During my comments, I again asked for a copy of the CD that was gifted to the airport (which we still do not have). I stated that it appeared the board didn’t give a damn about all of the attempts of stalling the release of public records and the self-dealing that took place at the airport under Patrick’s reign. That’s when Mr. Patrick decided all by himself that my language was inappropriate and threatened to eject me from the meeting if I said it again. He must not realize what constitutes language that is inappropriate and what language falls under protected speech, of which “damn” is protected speech along with several other words (including the F-word). This will be adress at a later point.




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  • old
    Posted at 20:43h, 29 April

    Joe, sorry my dear, I don’t get out like I used to, and have never been to H&B’s. Maybe I should start, but then if I do someone would see me and call my hubby before I got home. That happened thirty plus years ago when I stopped at the A.L. after work. Of course as soon as I hit the house I told him. It would be interesting to see what would be said if I was seen going into H&B’s.:) Oh well, may have to try it for the information value. When’s the next board meeting?

  • They Won't Be Hard To Find
    Posted at 19:49h, 26 April

    Just like in the old western…just look for the circling buzzards and follow the stench.

  • Joe Scheiner
    Posted at 19:03h, 26 April

    OLD – look at Edgar count Airport on Facebook. A picture is posted of the group at H&B’s after the county meeting. They do get together the bigger question is what did they talk about. Hmm…

  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 18:57h, 26 April

    I know you do and you are correct.

  • Mel Young
    Posted at 16:47h, 26 April

    You know I keep telling you all that if you really want to be heard and taken as credible you would need to use professional language. Quite contrary to the youthful concept that foul language makes a person bigger, or better heard is the fact that the use of foul language of any sort reduces the value of what a person says to ranting, raving, lunacy and plain out whiny!

  • Old
    Posted at 09:43h, 26 April

    I would rather hear the damn than hear the f-word at a public meeting. Does anyone know what ki.d of cars/trucks these board members drive? I think we should watch them very closely and when we see at least two of their vehicles in the same parking lot, they may try to car pool, we need to check to see if they are having secret meetings. Of course they may have the meetings at someones house, in that case it should also be noted a possible meet. Do we know where all of the members live with the exception of Bruner and Voigt, we know they are not a party to these actions. Just a thought. Anyone want to do some checking? Since Adonna is in on this behavior I’d start at her house. Of course you might be surprised whose car/truck you will see there.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:05h, 26 April

      I typically don’t use any of those words, especially in a public meeting. But being ordered not to use what is protected speech is wrong. He was just looking for something to pick at after Adonna got shut down during the meeting at the Kreckman building.
