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March 27, 2025

Confirmed -Private Corporation Operating with Public Funds!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 2, 2013

Its quite telling what you find out when you start demanding accountability with your tax dollars!

A recent FOIA request has confirmed that the Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department has never approved the operation of a Private Corporation to operate out of and borrow money from the tax payer funded FIPHD!

We first covered this topic briefly in this article.   As to ensure no loose ends were missed I submitted this FOIA

Specifically, I asked for three things in that request.

  1. A copy of all banking documents authorizing the FIPHD to operate as a lending institution as outlined in (205 ILCS 5/) Illinois Banking Act.
  2. A copy of all rent payments and rental agreements for a private corporation (Ford-Iroquois Public Health Foundation)  to operate their non-profit business from the FIPHD property for the last 2 years.
  3. A copy of the board minutes authorizing the operation of a private company to operate from the public facility known as the FIPHD.

The response to those three requests speaks volumes!

  • #1 of additional requests – no documents exist
  • #2 of additional requests – no documents exist
  • #3 of additional requests – no documents exist

So can anyone explain why the Taxpayers of Ford and Iroquois County should have their tax dollars used to loan out their money to a private corporation that is operating out of the tax payer funded building in what appears to be a rent free operation?

No board members have ever approved such action to take place so one must ask, under what authority was permission given to give away tax payer money and allow a private corporation to operate out of a public building?

It appears all those approvals are pointing to Douglas Corbett, current FIPHD Administrator.  Further investigations on that matter should prove interesting.

What do you call it when you loan tax payer money to a private corporation with no legal authorization let alone board approvals?

May I suggest to the good people of Ford and Iroquois County, wake up and take control of your local government because when this type of action is taking place your going to find far more troubling matters the more you dig.  Troubling because its your tax dollars and it appears your FIPHD is costing you far more than just about any other county operated Health Department in the area!  Public Health Comparison of several counties.

Lending Institution Article Picture


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1 Comment
  • Iroquois Resident
    Posted at 17:29h, 10 July

    Thank you for the job you do. This has gone on way too long and the county has sat back and watched with the old ” You pat my back, I’l pat your’s” attitude. We got rid of a small piece of the corruption when they were sentenced to serve time now it is time to keep cleaning house at the county level and think about the city levels next. As Adam would say…Open the Books. Keep up the good work, it is appreciated.
