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March 28, 2025

UPDATE: CERWD Election Results 2013 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 10, 2013


In a race that we have been watching closely, the CERWD has TWO new Trustees. We would like to extend our thanks to all that came out to vote!

Starting late last year, we circulated a petition for a referendum to change the trustees from appointed to elected. That referendum won by a landslide with an 86% YES vote.

There were a few households in the District that were left off the ballot in the November 2012 election, and we thought that problem was fixed. Turns out, nothing was fixed and there was some last minute corrections made to who was allowed to vote for the trustees. We will be trying to unravel that situation to determine what happened and the process that was followed to determine who could vote and who could not vote for CERWD Trustees. This District is no different, as far as who can vote, than a school district. If you reside within the district boundaries, you can vote. We will update this situation when more information becomes available.

Unofficial Election Results (let me know if my math is wrong):
(* = Elected Trustee)

*Anita B. Wester – 1189
*Richard Wilken Jr. – 927
*Tom Jones – 1612
*Sandra Neal – 1566
*James Griffin – 1343
*Phil Adams – 1474
*Roger Brown – 1652
Robert Bogue – 794
Mr. Sprigg (Write-in) – 424

Broken down by County:

Anita B. Wester – 255
Richard Wilken Jr. – 201
Tom Jones – 357
Sandra Neal – 457
James Griffin – 425
Phil Adams – 358
Roger Brown – 333
Robert Bogue – 238
Mr. Sprigg (Write-in) – 180
Anita B. Wester – 934
Richard Wilken Jr. – 726
Tom Jones – 1255
Sandra Neal – 1109
James Griffin – 918
Phil Adams – 1116
Roger Brown – 1319
Robert Bogue – 556
Mr. Sprigg (Write-in) – 244

The Next Step

The next step for the Trustees at their first meeting in May is to draw for the 4 year terms (4 trustees) and 2 year terms (3 trustees). Then they will elect a chairman.


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  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 13:09h, 10 April

    Edgar County Watchdogs liked this on Facebook.

  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 12:43h, 10 April

    This was pdated to reflect 2 NEW TRUSTEES – Anita Webster and Richard Wilken Jr.

  • Old
    Posted at 08:06h, 10 April

    Well I see the current trustees got their way, with some underhand tricks they made sure they had their way. The new people who ran should be congratulated for their fine work. This should give the incumbents notice that we the people will not put up with their s__t. To our new trustee: stick by you guns.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 08:15h, 10 April

      Another election in 2015 for 3 of them!
      I have no problem with slow change, as long as we can oust more of them…
