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March 28, 2025

Adonna Bennett – Condones Illegal Airport Board Votes…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 19, 2013


The last Airport “Advisory” Board meeting was held at the courthouse this past Tuesday, April 16, 2013.

Upon entering the courtroom, I took a seat in the jury section where two other people were seated. Bennett immediately told me that i was not allowed to sit there because it was only for the media. I informed her I was the media, and someone else informed her that Chris Patrick was seated there and was not media, she looked around to see if she could get any support from the other board members, and finding no support did not pursue that failing course. I remained in my seat.

Their first action was to accept Jake Payne’s resignation as the board chairman and then vote to have Adonna Bennett, the illegally appointed board member (waiting on AG Binding Opinion) and Chris Patrick minion, as the new chairman of the advisory board.

Her first action, an action that was not listed on the agenda, was to allow a motion, second, and a vote to allow the chairman to have a vote during the meetings. Then under the “old Business” portion of the agenda she allowed action, action that was not listed on the agenda, on a motion, second, and a vote to reccommend to the county board that the airport not allow any commercial operations out of the main hangar and to stop working on the commercial lease. The result of this vote was then taken to the Edgar County Board, which will be discussed in a future article.

Both of the actions that ocurred during her fist hour on the job were illegal actions and were in violation of the Open Meetings Act. The OMA required that items must be listed on the agenda with sufficient information that would allow any person to determine, by reading the agenda, of any actions being contemplated by the public body. Since neither of those motions were listed on the agenda, there is no doubt that Bennett violated the law, as did the other 6 board members.

With that in mind, I filed a civil suit on April 17, 2013, naming the county, the airport board, and each member of that board as defendants. Case number 13MR36 in Edgar County. The OMA specifically states in 5 ILCS 120/4 that a violation of this Act is a Class C  Misdemeanor.

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  • The Re-incarnation of Cruella DeVille
    Posted at 22:59h, 21 April

    Can you see the similarities? Who shall we cast to portray her two buffoon sidekicks, Horace and Jasper? Poor woman; she failed to heed two very applicable adages:
    “Engage brain before engaging mouth.”
    “Don’t let your mouth overload your ass.”
    Pretty funny stuff. Can you say FOOLISH?
    STILL taking herself too seriously. Give her a speaking platform…and she’ll fall off of it.

  • Billy
    Posted at 20:21h, 21 April

    If there is ever a person that shouldn’t wear tight clothes…..its you AB…..honk honk

  • Diana Jennings
    Posted at 19:54h, 19 April

    Diana Jennings liked this on Facebook.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 17:49h, 19 April

    Your Open Meetings Act civil suit is so very much similiar to a complaint that I filed with the Office of the Attorney General for a meeting that occured back in January 2013 Ref. 23128. That too, was an OMA violation. I’ve since learned, there were others that filed identical complaints regarding these same concerns for this January 2013 meeting in which 4 board members were present and participated in the meeting.
    If I had known the Office of the Attorney General requires 6-9 months for a review and investigation before rendering an official statement, I would have done exactly as you have done. Rest assured, that will be my first choice in the future.
    This board needs to read and follow the laws underwhich the airport was built. Then read and follow the laws underwhich our government is required to follow. Specifically OMA and FOIA laws. It’s clear there is an agenda here. The consequences of Adonna’s hastily contrived and illegal actions have resulted in a civil suit being placed against her and fellow the board members; and now serves to illuminate and reaffirm how much of a burden these board members have become to the county. This ignores the fact that Adonna should not even be sitting “on the board” in any capacity. Her actions ultimately forced the county board into voting against such recommendation and further served to enlighten the public as to real agenda at play by Chris Patrick, Ben Jenness, Mike Heltsely and of course Adonna Bennett.
    In conclusion, I’m convinced all of my complaint(s) filed with the Attorney General’s office will be upheld in the near future as will those complaints made by others: all in full recognition of the problems at the Edgar County Airport.

  • RetiredCopterPilot
    Posted at 15:05h, 19 April

    Do Patrick’s actions now conform to the clinical definition of insanity?? (continuing failed actions expecting a different outcome) Can the voters seek a competency hearing??

  • Joe Frigge
    Posted at 14:52h, 19 April

    What’s new this is normal for edgar county

  • None of your Buisness
    Posted at 13:09h, 19 April

    You are alot of things….but most certainly NOT a member of the media.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:46h, 19 April

      Dear None of your Business:
      You are correct in that I am not a “member of the media” – there is no such thing.

      I am “media” as I publish articles on this media website and get published in a regularly published newspaper.

      I am “media” based on the definition provided by the State of Illinois in statutes where they define the term.

      Just because you do not like the content of what is published, does not mean it is not media.

      Anything else you want to talk about?

      • None of your Buisness
        Posted at 21:20h, 19 April

        You post on a blog.

        Disclosure is not a newspaper.

        You are…..Nevermind

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 21:46h, 19 April

          It appears you do not have a complete grasp on reality.

          Just because you don’t agree with the content, does not negate that fact that both the Edgar County Watchdogs, Inc. and Diclosure are “media” as defined by law.

  • Kathy Jo Drake
    Posted at 12:39h, 19 April

    Kathy Jo Drake liked this on Facebook.

  • Rose Sims
    Posted at 12:39h, 19 April

    Rose Sims liked this on Facebook.

  • Angela Mason
    Posted at 12:39h, 19 April

    Angela Mason liked this on Facebook.

  • William Snavely
    Posted at 12:01h, 19 April

    That’s right, you tell them just how it is, or we send the boys for a

  • Blake Stiff
    Posted at 11:39h, 19 April

    Blake Stiff liked this on Facebook.

  • Daryl J. Marietta
    Posted at 11:09h, 19 April

    Daryl J. Marietta liked this on Facebook.

  • Old
    Posted at 10:55h, 19 April

    I’ll this for Adonna she does have a large pair of balls. What makes her think she can get away with this? Oh, I forgot, she and Chris and Mike have a history. Who else is involved or was involved with her over the years? What is the real story behind all of this BS? When did Jake resign, by his own choice, or forced to by Chris, Adonna, etc.

  • Karen Graves
    Posted at 10:47h, 19 April

    I’m curious why you didn’t pursue the gross violation of the Open Meetings Act at the Transit System that you and I talked about. You agreed I was railroaded, yet did nothing. AND hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars are being wasted and stolen there. Sad!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:59h, 19 April

      I am still working on that ECIMTD issue.
