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March 14, 2025

Airport Meeting Report – Adonna & Chris –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 27, 2013


In a standing room only, with concerned citizens packing the hallway in both directions, meeting of the Airport Advisory Board – County Board Representatives was going pretty good at first. There were a few public comments and Ben Jenness, a county board member, decided he was limiting public comments to 5 minutes – an act he was not legally empowered to do since there were no published rules for public comment of this advisory board. Mike Heltsley obviously did not want public comments either (10:30 in the audio), as he was the first one to mention disbanding the meeting and going home – typical of a person that can’t think for himself.

After public comments, business continued with Adonna Bennett, the illegally appointed, crony of Chris Patrick, Airport Advisory Board member, attempted to stifle productive discussions (23:03 in the audio of the meeting) while her only job was to keep quiet and take notes. We don’t know why Ben Jenness picked her to take notes, unless it was because she was the only woman present at the table.

Discussion went on for a while longer and then she attempted to stifle productive conversations again(25:31 mark in the audio), at the signal of Chris Patrick, only this time she stated that she was going to remove the public from the room – an act she was not empowered to do! Who does she think she is threatening the public, at a public meeting, while she was not a member of the public body holding the meeting. Good going Chris, you finally have proven, by your attendance at this meeting, what all of us were suspicious of – that Adonna Bennett was appointed as a crony of yours to continue your agenda of disrupting the operations of a legally operating business. (Complete audio of the meeting here)

Then, to finish the evening off, Chris and all of his cronies (what few there were) from the meeting went out for a few drinks (picture below) to presumably further discuss what went on at that meeting. In attendance were: Chris Patrick, Ben Jenness, Mike Heltsley, Adonna Bennett, and Jimmy Wells with 3 of those present being county board members and constituting a majority of a quorum of the Edgar County Board. If ANY public business was discussed at the bar, it was an illegal meeting of the Edgar County Board.

Final result of the meeting? – Nothing was accomplished and there is an obvious attempt at stalling the approval of this lease.



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  • Old
    Posted at 10:38h, 10 April

    Those that know Adonna will attest the fact fact that she is a lier. She does whatever is needed to serve herself and get what she wants. Don’t trust her, and now she’s a crony of Chris and Mike. Is this for their personal benefit, is there a past between the three? Thinnkking!

  • She Puts Her Skirt On, One Leg at a Time
    Posted at 22:26h, 29 March

    Always amusing to see someone take themselves too seriously…and promptly be put into their place. Being in the meeting was kinda like the scene in the movie, like the mob storming after the Hunchback of Notre Dame! It was pretty ironic; she’s elected by secret ballott (what was that all about?), she’s foolish enough to get into the fray without first considering her tenuous situation and resulting lack of credibility, then mistakenly believes she has the authority or right to threaten a public meeting audience cleared? It’s pretty funny stuff, if it weren’t so egregious and insulting to the public to whom she is suppposed to SERVE. Anyone see a pattern here ? Whether it’s her, or others advocating for the “chairman.” One man, is at the center of all this controversy. Turmoil and discourse surround him, yet he annoints minions to talk and argue on his behalf, as he sits back and says nothing. What a guy! What a crew! Now is the time to continue to voice our opposition to the cronyism that is going on and really press for change.

  • Angela Mason
    Posted at 11:24h, 27 March

    Angela Mason liked this on Facebook.

  • Blake Stiff
    Posted at 11:24h, 27 March

    Blake Stiff liked this on Facebook.

  • None of your Buisness
    Posted at 10:28h, 27 March

    Wow…..A sexist and a stalker.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:58h, 27 March

      No sexist here – I was refering to why Ben Jenness might have picked her to do that job, not what I thought. Please try to comprehend what you are reading.

      • None of your Buisness
        Posted at 12:35h, 27 March

        So you admit that you just make stuff up with no foundation….

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 12:57h, 27 March

          No need to admit to anything, it was phrased are a question within the sentence, as to his reasoning for the appointment as secretary. Jimmy was right next to him and does that job quite often, why the switch now?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 12:06h, 27 March

      Ummm, I didn’t take the picture – it was sent to me…

  • Darlene Justice
    Posted at 10:24h, 27 March

    Darlene Justice liked this on Facebook.

  • Sandy Richey Hissem
    Posted at 09:24h, 27 March

    Sandy Richey Hissem liked this on Facebook.
