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February 9, 2025

Ten Years of Deceit – Part 3

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 21, 2013


 Purchase Agreement vs. Service Agreement

To better understand some key statements made by the auditor and those made by the State’s Attorney, you need to first figure out the differences between the “Purchase Agreement” and the “Service Agreement”.

It’s not too difficult – the Purchase Agreement included everything agreed to, by both parties, for Dee Burgin’s purchase of the Ambulance Service from Edgar County.

The Service Agreement details what level and types of SERVICE that Burgin was obligated to provide in return for the Ambulance District Tax Levy funds. These two agreements have nothin in common and are not interchangeable.

“The Purchase Agreement”

 A “Purchase Agreement” is just that, an agreement on the terms to purchase something, and in this case, the Edgar County Ambulance Service. This purchase agreement clearly states a sale price of $100,000 with a more detailed list of ALL assets in Exhibit A. Nothing in that exhibit claims the bank account, and the money in it, as an asset of the Ambulance Service.

“The Service Agreement”

 The service agreement lays out the type and amount of service to the district that the privatized ambulance service will provide in return for levied tax dollars. Nothing in the service agreement refers to the Ambulance Service bank account as being an asset sold to Burgin – except that the county will pay over to Burgin any funds in the account IN EXCESS OF $100,000, FOR OPERATIONS, which is an expense allowable under the statute!   Keep in mind, still no mention of ownership of the remaining $100,000, and there was no need to mention it as tax money is not to be used in such a fashion and those funds are reportedly still on hand as asset of the county.

 “Isaf’s Opinion”

 Mark Isaf’s written opinion , at the bottom of the first page, blurs the line between the Purchase and Service Agreements. On one had he states the purchase agreement sold the ambulance service to Burgin for $100,000 – and on the other hand he states the bank account, with our levied funds of $100,000 was intended to be the payment for the purchase agreement – in effect GIVING him the service, plus an additional $33,599.00, just to “take it off our hands.”

Auditor’s “NOTE”

Effective October 1, 2003, in consideration of $100,000 and the assumption of all assets and liabilities, including a $293,316 real estate loan, the County turned over the operations of the ambulance service to buyers Dee E. Burgin and Lisa L. Burgin d/b/a Edgar County Special Service Area Ambulance, Inc. Per a new agreement September 1, 2005 to August 31, 2010, the Special Service Area No. 1 Ambulance District will pay back the $100,000 by making monthly payments at $800 per month at zero percent interest. The amount owed at November 30, 2010 is $-0-.

This is a fabricated statement – why it was put into the audit we do not yet know. We assume it was a CYA move by the county board during this time-frame to try and deflect any attention away from Burgin and the board.  The auditors could not have come up with this statement on their own because the documentation doesn’t reflect anything even remotely close to the statement placed in the audit.

The next article will break down the other service agreements along with the repayment of the “missing” $43,000 from the county owned bank account.



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  • George
    Posted at 07:29h, 24 February

    You are barking up wrong tree. there never was an Edgar County Ambulance service to sale. Only Special Service area Ambulanced owned by a few townships. County sold something they didn’t own, you need to look deeper into story and get the facts.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 08:39h, 24 February

      Thanks for the info…

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 19:00h, 21 February

    So what is Burgins excuse for not paying the 100k to the county? Did he think that since he was providing a service the county owned him. Did he think that he had the right to pull a big salary each month instead of paying that one payment of $800 a month. Heck that payment could have been paid with what got for one run. Burgin, you owe the $100K why should the county pay your bills for you. Mr. SA Isaf, why don’t you do the county a real favor and either grow some balls andhold the county board, airport board, county highway dept. chairman all accountable for their actions. If you know there are things that are not right then right the wrongs. Thank you those on the A.P. Board for standing for the right things and not letting Mr. Wells run the show. Also stay strong and committed to continuing to do the right things and not letting Mr Patrick act like he is God. He will destory this county if you continue to allow him to stay on his power trip. Stop him in his tracks NOW.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:58h, 21 February

      He initially stated he could prove he paid the $100K, then later refused to provide documentation.
      Since then, the people in charge have circled the wagons of protection.

      Keep in mind, the statute of limitations on the purchase contract has not passed yet.
