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March 11, 2025

Special County Board Meeting : “Enter into new lease with RSB Aviation”

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 31, 2013


During the Special Edgar County Board Meeting this afternoon, a motion was made and seconded to terminate the lease of RSB Aviation, Inc. immediately. A unanimous vote approved the motion.

Mr. Bruner then made a motion to:

“To formulate a new business lease agreement between the County, the Airport Board, and RSB Aviation for the use of the Edgar County Airport facilities. The lease should be fair to both parties and be finanlized by regular March (2013) Board Meeting.”

Mr. Voigt seconded the motion, no discussion, motion passed with Bruner, Voigt, Farnham voting YES, and Heltsley and Jenness voting NO

Public session offered, no one spoke.

Meeting adjorned.





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  • Gail Heltsley Steidl
    Posted at 10:57h, 08 February

    Gail Heltsley Steidl liked this on Facebook.

  • Diana Jennings
    Posted at 10:57h, 08 February

    Diana Jennings liked this on Facebook.

  • Al Schneider
    Posted at 13:01h, 01 February

    I just finished reading the “Lease Termination” article in the Beacon. I thought the last statement of the article has to be the statement of the year–I very nearly choked!! Not so much the statement but who stated it. “We have to protect the county,” said PATRICK. “At this stage, we can’t afford even a hiccup.” And this idiot has the whole county shut down with his conflict of interests.

  • Gail Heltsley Steidl
    Posted at 20:23h, 31 January

    From looking at the airport meeting video and reading this, it looks as though Dan Bruner is approaching these issues as a fair minded and rational man. Thanks for leading Dan. Rory

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 16:51h, 31 January

    So does this mean that RSB is out completely and Patrick and Wells have succeeded in their efforts or will Rusty be able to stay in business after the new lease is submitted? It is obvious that someone is in someones pocket. Question is who?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 18:33h, 31 January

      This means that the board is going to enter into a new business lease with RSB Aviation. Look at the video starting at the 2:25 mark.

  • The joker
    Posted at 15:41h, 31 January

    Looks like it back fired on Chris! Thank you Jeff, Karl and Dan for standing up for what is right!

    • Del
      Posted at 14:21h, 01 February

      How about it
