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February 23, 2025

Conflicts-Intergovernmental Agreements-New High School

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 29, 2013


As most of us are already aware, there is a new high school being built just north of Paris. With this school construction comes alot of contractors, contracts, and more specifically – concrete.

While most of the discussions on conflicts of interest have dealt with the county highway department, municipalities, townships, and state and federal grants, there is a conflict that hasn’t been discussed yet.

Intergovernmental Agreements

The reasoning behind township and outlieing municipality conflicts is because there are intergovernmental agreements in place, or there is the potential for them, between the county and those entities.

The less talked about agreements, and a potential for future agreements, exist between Edgar County and District 4, District 95, and the Paris Cooperative High School. With the current and future abilities to commit to these agreements, the same conflict with Chris Patrick exists.

State Grants

The Illinois Capitol Development Board committed a $24,227,956 state grant to assist in building the new school. With a more than 130,000 square feet of building being erected, one can see this will take an enormous amount of concrete and other materials that could potentially be supplied by Chris Patrick and Zimmerly Ready Mix.

Bidding On Conrete Work

A concrete bidding question, from the New High School website:

Q: January 18, 2012.  When is the actual bid date for the concrete portion of the building with the reinforcing in it? Where will the bid openings be and what time?
A: The concrete bid package, including all reinforcing, was put out-to-bid on January 17, 2013.  Bids will be received, publicly opened and read at 2:00 PM on February 7, 2013 at the Paris Union School District 95 offices located at 300 South Eads Avenue, Paris, Illinois  61944.

I haven’t read a copy of the bid paperwork, but I do hope that the potential conflict in buying concrete from Zimmerly was revealed to those bidding on the project. It would be unfair to do otherwise, since the potential for different prices exists with out of town concrete providers.

Intergovernmental Agreements and Contractual Relationships

Conflicts arise when an official may be called upon to act or vote…

 The Intergovernmental Cooperation clause of the 1970 Constitution (Art VII, para 10) and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ICLS  220), specifically grant to counties and others, broad powers to contract or otherwise associate among themselves to obtain or share services, powers or functions.

The potential does exist, for a county board to enter into agreements/contracts with school districts. Potential exists for certain agreements to obtain a favorable vote from a person selling materials and supplies to the school districts. This is no different than agreements between the county, and  township and municipalities, for road and drainage work. This is a conflict of interest if Chris Patrick is invloved in any way, which he already has been, with discussions and votes on upgrading the road in front of the new high school or with sellling materials and supplies to contractors working on the new high school.



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  • Update Us
    Posted at 17:47h, 08 February

    Update us on the crestwood foia request and their truth on taxation hearing notice.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 20:33h, 08 February

      Still waiting on the Attorney General opinion for the FOIA issue – which is why we have started using the court system on these types of issues (FOIA and OMA), results come much faster…

  • Citizen
    Posted at 20:26h, 01 February

    So rather than using a local supplier for concrete which employees local people, you would rather any contractors bidding on the HS project to utilize out of town concrete suppliers at a higher cost due to the travel time? ALl because your vendetta against Patrick. Some of the things you guys do are good and necessary but in some case you’re just ridiculous. Why don’t you run for one of these boards and try to effect change from within.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 20:58h, 01 February

      Please read the quote by a former Federal Prosecuter on the top right hand side of this page. Here is the complete letter on the Justice Department website:

      Please take the time to read it.

      There is no “vendetta” – nobody twisted his arm and forced him to run for office – we didn’t write the law and make it a felony because we didn’t like him.

      There are reasons laws prohibit conflicts of interest, and this is the textbook example. If he was all that concerned about it he would get out of office and continue to make money any way he saw fit.
