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March 28, 2025

Mass Transit Employees & Contracts – .

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 1, 2012


Our investigations uncover more misdeeds in the East Central Illinois Mass Transit District.

I took the time to read the “Local Mass Transit District Act”, which deals with districts like we have in Edgar and surrounding counties.

Interest in Contracts Forbidden

In Section 4, the Local Mass Transit District Act covers interest in contracts, etc.

No Trustee or employee of the Board shall acquire or have any interest direct or indirect in any contract or proposed contract for materials or services to be furnished or used in connection with operations of the District.

$14,000 in “MIDSTATE SVCS” Payments in One Year

Since all Mass Transit District employees are employees of the board, the payments going to MIDSTATES SVCS would be in violation of the Act.

Kami Miller started the Chrisman, Illinois based “Midstates Services” in October of 2007 according to her assumed name publication notice in the local newspaper. It is unclear as to the nature of the business or what services it provided to the Mass Transit District. We have attempted to contact Kami for a statement but the only email address listed for Midstates Svcs bounced back undeliverable. If anyone has current contact information they could provide us it would be appreciated.

As an employee of the Board, any payment to Midstates Svcs would be in direct violation of the Act.

In one year alone (2011-2012), Kami “paid” her company around $14,000 for services provide to the Mass Transit District. These payments came from State and Federal Grants.

Why does this happen?

There are no excuses for these types of unchecked actions. The Local Mass Transit District Act took less than 20 minutes to read, and common sense should tell the average person you cannot start a company and pay yourself with Public Funds.


“Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.” ~ J. C. Ryle



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1 Comment
  • Confused
    Posted at 17:02h, 06 July

    I’m obviously not as clever as Kami Miller: Her husband has operated an ag lime spreading business for many years just south of Dana, calling it Mid-State Services. He also owns heavy equipment. In 2007, Kami Miller registers a business using the same name in Edgar County. Since the Sr. Center didn’t need any lime spreading, did she pay her husband to haul gravel for their parking lot? Did she need an IL tax ID for that? It seems too obvious to put it in her own name – NOT a smart move…
