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March 28, 2025

Transit District Update:

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 14, 2012


Was that the vessel of choice for certain employees of the Edgar County Mass Transit District?

After a quick review of documents received thru a Freedom Of Information Act request, the following was revealed:

Airfares, cruiseliners, farm implements, groceries at Wal-Mart, lunches and dinners at Paris restaurants, hotels, and even Victoria’s Secret lingerie. Some of the items have been returned, albeit used, to the Mass Transit District. It now appears as though there were two people involved, they were both eventually terminated.

We still have another FOIA request that is due back to us next week that should reveal the high ticket items.

Timeline as we know it

May 1, 2012 – A meeting was held to discuss the the Auditors finding of certain spending by Kami and Ashley Miller.

May 4, 2012 – The board changed the locks on the Mass Transit District offices.

May 4, 2012 – Ashley Miller was terminated.

May 4, 2012 – Kami Miller was placed on paid leave and given a chance to provide an explanation of the expenditures.

June 4, 2012 – Kami Miller was terminated – we do not know whether she provided or refused to provide explanations.

These are some of the items your tax dollars have been spent on – and we haven’t even begun to expose all of it!

I just hope the board doesn’t think the return of some items makes up for the acts that led up to all of this.

Check back – we will continually update this as information becomes available.




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  • Senior of Edgar County
    Posted at 18:12h, 22 June

    Kami is a very good person with a very high degree of integrity. She has worked very hard to make the Edgar County Sr. Center a success during her 27 years as director. Unfortunately, statements have been made against her questioning her professionalism and loyalty to these programs. Rather than let her address the council to explain questionable actions, she was doubted and considered guilty. Rather than believing one side, please talk to Kami and let her explain the actions in question.

  • Farm Mom
    Posted at 22:07h, 15 June

    Ummmm, how do I get a job there??

  • RetiredCopterPilot
    Posted at 16:09h, 15 June

    This situation occurs at all levels of government.
    In defense of the system, I must submit that it presupposes that government employees are reputable persons with integrity. Unfortunately, that is not always the case as is clearly depicted in this article.
    No system is foolproof and although there are many safeguards, every possible contingency cannot be guarded. If a person is of low character without integrity, loopholes in the system will be found and abused. Include mismanagement by supervisory staff, the safeguards will become ineffective.

  • Sad
    Posted at 22:49h, 14 June


    And when your done with them do the same to the board that allowed this to happen. Let me guess, Craig Smith is on this board? Any bets?
