After 9 months of the Edgar County ETSB (911) wasting taxpayer money, on the advice of their former attorney (S. Craig Smith), trying to get out of providing Public Documents pursuant to a Freedom Of Information Act request, the Illinois Attorney General has issued an opinion directing the ETSB to immediately provide the records requested.
On October 4, 2011 I submitted a FOIA request for copies of the ETSB cell phone bills for the past 5 years. The request was improperly denied, and after submitting a request for review to the Illinois Atorney General, the ETSB has been directed to provide the requested records.
Makes you wonder how many taxpayer dollars were wasted by our ETSB in their attempt to prevent the disclosure of Public Documents.
You can read the Attorney General Opinion 2011 PAC 17699 below or download it to read at your pleasure.
[gview file=”https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/911CellPhone-2011-PAC-17699-Final.pdf” save=”1″]
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