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March 28, 2025

Home Invasion and Beating in Kansas, Illinois

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 8, 2012


There was a home invasion and beating in Kansas, Illinois last week. The victim identified 3 of the 5 or 6 perpetrators (who are all between 17 and 19 years old). The city police officer, Gary Cash, has done nothing to effect an arrest. Some village members wrote a 4 page hand written letter to every member of the village board.  Letter is below (I redacted the names of 3 people named at the end of the letter). 

If anyone has any information that could lead to the arrest of the individuals involved, please call our tipline and leave a message.



Members of the town board:

This beating that has occurred in our small town must be addressed. Our village is largely made up of elderly who live alone and now live in fear in their own homes.

How is it a group of 18 year old boys are able to basically “call the shots”.  Some of these boys are no stranger to trouble and my children say they have made comments at school, more or less bragging about the incident. One boy has an injured hand, which seems a little too coincidental.

Why must the remainder of us and our children be afraid to speak out while these boys are rather proud of themselves.

I cannot imagine being held down and beaten, nor can I imagine receiving a phone call from my child, the thought sickens me.  As parents, put yourselves in that position.

A small article was in the times courier which made the incident seem very small.  Gary Cash is a nice man but has no authority, nor does he care.  He basically likes to hear himself talk.  He should never have been gone this past week.  If it was one of your family members how would you like to be put off?

If this group of boys are not involved we need to find out who is.  This sort of thing will continue until someone takes a stand to stop this.  No one should be overcome by five males.

Who’s next, 3 NAMES REDACTED – the list could go on forever.  We have enough low life in town.  Please get to the bottom of this.  Some of us parents want to call in the state police soon if nothing is done.

I cannot sign my name.  I have children attending Kansas Schools and they are afraid, rightfully so.


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