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February 9, 2025

Sheriff Committee Meeting 1-25-2012 Video

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 1, 2012

 Here is the video:





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  • New ECWD Reader
    Posted at 11:09h, 08 February

    I was recently clued in about what the Watchdogs are doing and had a few minutes to listen to this video. Wow – what tension! Sounds like Karl Farnham wants to micromanage – I’ll bet he wouldn’t have let the county board do that to him when he was sheriff.

    This video makes it sound like the 911 board wants to be helpful in paying what it rightfully should, but if that’s the case, why haven’t they already done so, and why have they been getting what amounts to a free ride? Then again, I guess they’ve been paying $3,000/month rent- without any documentation of an official arrangement. Is anything documented accurately and in a timely manner around there? Sounds like a lot of seat-of-your pants and informal deals being made an no paper trails. This video is just one example, I’m sure….

  • oldparasite1
    Posted at 12:49h, 07 February

    This video made Karl look like an idiot…..or should I say Karl made Karl look like an idiot. I have never met Motley but after how he kept his cool and handled himself on this video I think I like him.

    Karl kept saying ” the board would like to know” …was he appointed spokesperson for the board?

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 10:52h, 03 February

    Does anyone find it odd that the board members didnt even read the Opinion from the Attorney General?

    If Karl would just look at previous vidoes of these meetings he would see that he was in fact told of the costs of the meals, contrary to what he now claims.

    Is Karl having a medical relapse? I pray not but it appears he has selective memory.
