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October 22, 2024

Does Dee Burgin want to SLAPP us?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 23, 2012

This week we were sent a certified letter from a Chicago law firm that turned out to be a cease and desist request on behalf of Mr. Dee Burgin. He alleges we are making defamatory statements against him, and they threatened a lawsuit if we continue.

In fact, there were twelve false statements (made on their part) within the cease and desist letter. See if you can spot them – we will reveal them in a later post. It is obvious that the lawyer did not research the information provided and relied solely on the statements of their client. The documents are online; it would have been easily researched.

We have to wonder if this is merely an attempt to silence critics and muzzle free speech through the threat of a S.L.A.P.P. – “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.” There is a law to protect against these types of lawsuits, and the leading complaint that most SLAPPs are referencing: Defamation.

The bottom line here is: “Truth is an absolute defense.” Anything we post or publish is well documented through FOIA requests and/or interviews.

When people resort to cease and desist letters, it makes us wonder what they are afraid of that we haven’t already found out. Rest assured we are not finished, we will not cease, and we will not desist in our efforts to expose truth. The public is entitled to the truth, no matter how bad it is. This is the only way to make positive changes.

The letter and our responses are below:

Cease and desist request Page 1 and Page 2.

John’s response and Kirk’s response.


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1 Comment
  • LowerTtrash
    Posted at 07:08h, 24 February

    Pretty weak effort. Even for a lawyer. Most lawyers who knew that they had a chance at libel and damages would have already filed a defamation lawsuit along with a request for damages. I would appear that the board is trying to “birddog” you guys.
