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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn sign agreement –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 12, 2017

College of DuPage (ECWd) –

The College of DuPage, Village of Glen Ellyn, and the DuPage County Board all agreed that Glen Ellyn would once again take responsibility for building, liquor, and zoning inspections of the COD campus.

According to the agreement, it states that “after June 30, 2017, the Village shall resume administrative and regulatory control over the College’s Campus as to all matters transferred to the County under the Intergovernmental Agreement. This return of control is subject to certain substantive and procedural conditions, including limits on the jurisdiction of the Village’s Architectural Review Commission and discretion to refer any matter that may fall within the administrative and regulatory control of the Village to a neutral arbitrator for a binding determination.”

We welcome this positive step taken by the current COD board to mend their relationships with local governments and taxpayers and return relations between the Village and the College to a more “normal” state.

WHEREAS, the parties now wish, in a spirit of mutual cooperation and with the desire to return relations between the Village and the College to a more normal state, to amend the Intergovernmental Agreement to provide for the orderly transition of regulatory oversight back to the Village;

This Intergovernmental Agreement reverses another Breuder-era mistake, brought on by a disagreement about who could conduct building inspections on new construction at the college campus. Since Breuder didn’t like the Village of Glen Ellyn involved in the process, he simply sued in an attempt to remove them from the inspection and enforcement process. Back in 2012, the Village agreed to transfer inspection responsibilities to the County of DuPage to settle a lawsuit generated largely by the actions of then-COD President Breuder and the COD board. This agreement largely reverses the 2012 agreement.

We had previously written about a similar issue between the college and Glen Ellyn Fire Company, in which the college forcibly, with the assistance of some false statements on court documents, annexed itself into a neighboring Fire Protection District (article here). Hopefully, this will also get a second look and be reversed.

This is yet another positive step taken by the COD Board that points to their ability to move things forward in a positive direction for the betterment of the College and the Village of Glen Ellyn.

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  • Bill G
    Posted at 11:32h, 13 April

    Thanks Kirk and John. Breuder’s strategy included elimination of Village oversight so he could obtain a County umbrella building permit allowing him to build dormitories on the east portion of the campus. Thanks to John, Kirk and hundreds of concerned citizens, his plans were thwarted.

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 09:44h, 12 April

    As POTUS corrects by reversing each of the destructive acts, the personal gain acts, the lying, corruption, insidious rotting from within created by the last potus, Illinois is to breuder as moving vans are to Illinois taxpayers. I attended a think tank meeting last night. Every person discussed their plans for moving from Illinois. Every person told of their children going to another state for college. See how this all ties into corrupt breuder running an Illinois college. The people of Illinois, those taxpayers, are chopping away at the base of the beanstalk, like little Jack swung that axe. And we all know the beanstalk collapsed, with the giant on top, like the monster Springfield clamping down on us. Keeping chopping, taxpayers, save yourself from the monster, like Jack saved himself, his mother, his animals from the monster giant. Yes, people like janschakowsky concerns herself with a convicted felon, a de-licensed doctor, a clear whackadoo, being removed forcibly from a plane, because he refused to leave when asked but she does nothing when people physically attack a potential speaker on Northwestern campus, her district. Woe to us who try to stay in Illinois.

  • Mark Misiorowski
    Posted at 09:03h, 12 April

    Great Accomplishment by the current College of DuPage Board of Trustees, leaders of Glen Ellyn, and the DuPage County Board. Reassuring to hear that Reform efforts at COD are still headed in a positive direction.

    Thanks for the update Kirk and John. Much appreciated.
