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September 26, 2024

Petition Objections Filed Against Precinct Committeeman Candidate –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 13, 2023

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

Two separate petition objections were filed against the nominating petitions of Patricia “Poppet” Maulding’s for the office of Precinct Committeeman of District 10 in Shelby County, Illinois.

Martha Firnhaber and John Pogue filed similar objections.

The Objectors Petitions complain of the following allegations:

  • There is no “District 10” precinct for which the Statement of Candidacy was filed
  • No election year listed on the first page and the other pages are void of any election date at all
  • Petition pages are misnumbered – IE: the Statement of Candidacy and Loyalty Oath are numbered as pages 1 and 2, while the petition signature pages are numbered as 3 and 4
  • Invalid signatures of people who reside outside of the precinct
  • Petition sheet headings not uniform

Objectors asked for the following relief:

  • A ruling that the candidates nominating petitions are insufficient in law and fact
  • That candidate’s name NOT appear on any ballot



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