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September 26, 2024

Will County Sheriff sued for alleged FOIA violations –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 30, 2019

Will Co. (ECWd) –

We sued the WIll County Sheriff last week for alleged violations of the Freedom of Information Act.

We requested certain 911 phone calls and incident reports.

Will County Sheriff’s FOIA Officer either denied or excessively redacted the requested public records.

We requested these records after reading a Wilmington Police Report where an individual stated that “we (himself and others) are trying to make a list of people to ban from the park” – so we (ECWd) decided to figure out how this person was reporting certain incidents in his effort to get people banned from the township park.

Read the Complaint here or below.

ECW v. Will County Sheriff (Wesley Park) - Case No. 19 CH 1583_Redacted



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